Well at least Clever Bird is beginning to recognise the black cloud looming before it actually arrives over her (just). Sleeping too much, feeling overwhelmed, not wanting to leave the house, not even wanting to get dressed, in fact struggling to do anything. This morning she was still in her dressing gown at noon. Minty Mutt was looking at Furry Mama beseechingly through twitching eyebrows, but Baggy just didn't want to move from the sofa. When Clever Bird pointed out to Baggy that this was Hormonal Hannah being over attention seeking once again and that it really wasn't fair on Minty Mutt, Baggy decided to have a shower and make an effort. The moment she was dressed Minty leapt up, so Furry Mama persuaded Baggy to go out. Very early in the walk they met a four-month old British bull dog, he was absolutely adorable. A cuddle with him cheered Baggy up no end.
Furry Mama let Minty choose the route, as Baggy yacked to her number one furry on the phone. The mutt decided that they should do the walk through Assington thickets - quite a long one. But Furry Mama realised that Hormonal Hannah had made her forget to give Minty his medicine. As Baggy yacked to Calum, Mint got further and further behind her. They walked up the long track to the thickets and Baggy turned left, intending to do a loop back to the house which takes about forty-five minutes. She turned round and Minty was looking at her and not moving. "You okay Minty?"
"Not really Mum".
"Do you want to go back?"
"Yes please".
So they headed back the way they'd come. Furry Mama half expected him to turn left when they got back to the road and do their longer water meadow walk, but he chose the shortest route home. Baggy didn't mind as she didn't feel great either.
Furry Mama gave Mint his magic medicine in a cup of tea. He drank it and then fell asleep on the rug. Baggy was inclined to go back to bed herself, but Clever Bird wouldn't let her. Instead Creative Clara packed all her shop merchandise and added a few new items to her shop as it suddenly occurred to Clever Bird that if they're moving house on Saturday, her stock needs to go with her. At least keeping Baggy busy all day has vaguely kept the cloud at bay..........
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