Thursday, 30 June 2016

Furry Mama got rid of Hormonal Hannah today.

It will come as no surprise to bloggees, that Clever Bird spoke too soon yesterday. Baggy woke up this morning and Hormonal Hannah was all over her. Baggy didn't want to get dressed, let alone go out. Grotty did want to see the horses, but she didn't want to go on her own and Calum's chest infection really wouldn't be helped by all the dust and hay. Furry Mama knew that she needed to walk Minty Mutt though, so Clever Bird persuaded her to take Baggy and him to Clacton-on-Sea for a change of scenery and a bit of sea air. Baggy loves the sea and has always had a yearning to live on a seafront, so it was good motivation to get Hannah off Baggy's back. It's only a thirty-minute drive, so Clever Bird insisted that it would be worth it. She was right, Baggy managed to leave Hormonal Hannah at home!

They did have to walk the full length of the promenade before Minty was allowed on a beach, as most of the beach is a dog-free zone, but it blew the cobwebs away.

Baggy felt much better for Furry Mama's efforts and Minty enjoyed a paddle.

Clever Bird was rather surprised how quiet Clacton was, especially away from the pier end of the beach! Many of the cafés and bars were closed - maybe they open when the school holidays start, but Baggy preferred it that way. She treated herself to an "all-day" breakfast and gave Minty Mutt the bacon fat, before heading back along the prom. towards home - resisting the doughnuts, ice-creams and candy floss she passed! It is after all Fat Club tomorrow.........

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Baggy is feeling determined.

Clever Bird would firstly like to apologise that Creative Clara is not managing to blog daily at the moment. The truth is that Hormonal Hannah is to blame. She is making Baggy think that she has no right to be blogging at all - who exactly does she think she is? A celebrity? A writer? Someone of import? Well no, she's just Baggy; an ordinary middle-aged woman who's had a bit of an extraordinary life. A life that could by now have been over if Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst had turned out to be cancer. Thankfully he was "just" a hairy, toothy lump, who is now having fun somewhere away from Baggy and Baggy is pretty much recovered. Well physically at least. She isn't recovered 100%. Her stomach is still not at all strong and is actually quite swollen - more so if she does anything too strenuous; Grotty Groom schooling Wesley on Monday being a case in point. But she's almost there. Mentally on the other hand, she's all over the place.

But as Clever Bird says, "This too is part of Baggy's recovery". Baggy's had a lot to deal with in her life one way and another. Most people will have difficult times to get through and many will have at least one trauma to cope with. But Clever Bird has realised that perhaps Baggy has had a few too many of both. Not satisfied with just emotional traumas, Grotty Groom has caused her to have three fairly major physical traumas too, before Lawrence made his presence felt. It now seems likely that Lawrence was the "lump that broke the Baggy's back" metaphorically speaking! However, since Baggy was told that she is "officially" suffering from anxiety and depression, she has felt a tiny bit better. It's almost as though Clever Bird now understands that Hormonal Hannah does deserve a bit of respect - she's letting Baggy know that she has some stuff to deal with and get over and that's okay. Next week her "Stress Management" course starts, but even without it, Baggy is managing Hannah a little better and that is partly about not putting too much pressure on herself, or as various bloggees have said to her, "to stop beating herself up". Hence, not feeling that she "must" blog every day; especially if she has nothing new to say. But, as even on days when she hasn't blogged there are sometimes dozens of viewings, Clever Bird has told Hannah that people must be interested to read Clara's ramblings. While ever that is the case, Baggy will go with Clara, rather than Hannah, and blog. The support that Baggy has received through this blog has also been amazing, although she actually started to write it to hopefully provide a little support to anyone going through something similar. Baggy has no idea whether she has succeeded in that aim, but she does know from personal comments, that she has made a few people happy reading it. So Baggy is blogging on.

As for today's activities, Baggy has had a lovely day, in spite of the ghastly weather! She has had lunch out with her friend Jane, her Fat Club pal, who like Baggy is now really rather svelte (definitely not fat!) Baggy was a very bad influence and insisted they had paninis, but Jane (rightly) drew the line at the fruit scone with jam and clotted cream, that Baggy had. But she needed a treat and amazingly The Domestic Goddess really has been a Goddess this week and has been cooking up very healthy options all week, so it will be interesting to see what the Fat Club scales say on Friday. But it was a lovely lunch and Jane kindly listened to Hannah's verbal diarrhoea - Baggy just spends too much time on her own!

Furry Mama had promised Minty Mutt a walk, so even though it was pouring with rain, when Baggy got home, she said "Hi" to Calum, who is at home because he's poorly, and shot out for a walk. Baggy did want Calum to come too, but as he's suffering from a chest infection and is on antibiotics, Clever Bird realised that this might not be the best plan. Baggy is sooooooo glad that she bought her posh pack-a-mac..........

Monday, 27 June 2016

Hormonal Hannah and Clever Bird are arguing.

Baggy just can't keep up with Hormonal Hannah and Clever Bird; they keep making her change her mind about things! Case in point: the land at Baggy's Dad's house. After much discussion with Calum and lots of thinking by Baggy, she decided to leave a message with her solicitor yesterday, telling him to withdraw her offer to buy the land. The moment she had put the phone down, Freda Fretter started her panicking. What if the bloke starts arguing about it? What if he just ignores her and removes the fencing and just takes the garden over? What if? What if? Panic. At least if Baggy just gives in and buys it, it will be sorted. So she fretted most of the night away, while poor Calum kept her awake coughing his poorly head off.

This morning Baggy was taking Grotty Groom to ride Wesley with her friend Sarah. Clever Bird pointed out that Baggy would therefore be out when the solicitor called this morning. Ah well. Sarah wasn't feeling marvellous when Grotty saw her, so decided not to ride after all. Hormonal Hannah immediately saw this as the perfect excuse for Grotty not to ride either, but Clever Bird reminded her that it is only four weeks until Grotty and Calum go on their riding holiday - at this rate, Baggy will not be riding-fit as she hasn't ridden once since two weeks ago. Clever Bird won. Grotty took Wesley into the school and Sarah came in to support them and keep an eye on Baggy. Wesley was an angel once again - a very confused angel the moment Grotty asked for trot, but an angel nonetheless. Sarah pointed out that Baggy's left foot was sticking out once more and flapping about a lot. Nothing new there (it always has because of her misaligned pelvis), however, before Baggy's Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst surgery, Baggy had the strength in her left leg to enable Grotty to guide Wesley properly, now she has no strength. Nada, because her core is not strong. So they did much work in walk, fairly well; but the moment Grotty asked for trot it went horribly wrong. Wesley had no clue what Grotty wanted and drifted left (dramatically) once again. So Grotty returned to walk, then decided to try some canter. That felt pretty good and was so much more relaxed. So for now, walk and canter it will be, while Baggy builds some strength back up.

Of course the solicitor had called while Baggy was out. After a chat with him, Hormonal Hannah made Baggy do a complete about-face and decided that Baggy should wait and see what the man says about her offer, but that she should almost certainly buy the land, even though actually he is in the wrong. The problem being that to prove that, might lead to litigation that would cost more to resolve than the price he wants! Plus will mean uncertainty and stress for months, which Hannah will not cope with. Clever Bird is inclined to agree that it might be easier just to pay the bloke (it has been dragging on for four years already). Baggy spoke to Calum who said he'd been thinking the same thing. Hormonal Hannah immediately felt better. Freda Fretter worried about the money, but it'll be worth it to get this sorted out quickly.

Baggy decided to take Furry Mama out with Minty Mutt to clear her head. It's amazing what sights you see in Baggy's village! Baby Rheas anyone?


Saturday, 25 June 2016

Baggy stood up for herself with some of the "professionals" today!

Calum had arranged an emergency meeting today at Baggy's Dad's house to try to decide what needed to be done to save it from getting any more rain-damaged. Hormonal Hannah struggled a bit to start with, but having told the estate agent her views on their service to date, Baggy felt a little better. She also realised that the builder was a good chap and a lot of the issues that have arisen were partly due to lack of communication (from said estate agents) and confusion caused by the solicitor. But Clever Bird managed to stay in charge of Baggy for the most part, while Hannah got told to leave Baggy alone. So, after much discussion, it is clear that the house needs completely re-roofing. Sigh! This will also mean the tenant will need to leave, so Baggy has lots to sort out on Monday. While there, a neighbour popped round, desperate to meet Baggy, to explain that the man who had bought the house's garden, didn't have a leg to stand on. He also claimed to have bought her garden. Her solicitor (unlike Baggy's) told the man where to get off and registered the land in her name - this is precisely what Clever Bird had told her solicitor to do four years ago, to be told that this was not possible! Baggy had just given in (last week, because Hormonal Hannah couldn't cope anymore) and agreed to pay the man what he wants - he is in France and has said he'll get back to her when he gets back. Well too late mate, Baggy will be withdrawing her offer on Monday! And probably swapping solicitors!

So with a sense of purpose and a spring in their steps, Baggy, Calum and Minty Mutt decided to make a day of it and go to Dunwich (just up the coast from Baggy's Dad's house). It was beautiful and sunny, but boy is it difficult to walk on a pebble beach.

So they gave up and decided to have fish and chips in the restaurant instead. With an eye on Baggy's 3-stone lost award, Clever Bird persuaded Baggy to have fresh dressed-Cromer crab and salad instead! It was delicious. They then decided to walk it off, along the cliff tops and to the old Friary - just as the weather changed - dramatically. It didn't just rain, it poured, with hail in it. Baggy put on her posh pack-a-mac; Calum got soaked in his t-shirt! (Clever Bird did say it was going to rain, but would he listen? Nope). So he took shelter.

Archaeologist Annie told Cal to find her something good in a molehill. He did! She hasn't cleaned it up yet, but it looks like a brooch, or hinge of some sort.

Meanwhile the rain got heavier and colder, but Furry Mama insisted that they kept walking.
Baggy and Calum have both loved Dunwich since they were children, so it was lovely to be there. But the weather got so bad that the roads were beginning to flood and the locals were searching for high places to get out of the water!

By the time they got back to the car park, it too was beginning to flood and even Baggy was getting a tad damp.

Time to go for a warming cappuccino and yes, a piece of Victoria sponge cake before heading home. Ah well, Clever Bird tried to keep Baggy on the straight and narrow, but frankly she'd earned it.......

Friday, 24 June 2016

What does it mean now for the UK?

Today the UK voted to leave the EU. Clever Bird must admit to feeling rather surprised when Baggy woke up to this news this morning. Baggy isn't terribly political generally, probably because she tends to live on her own little planet most of the time, but her biggest shock today is how people are reacting to the news. The "official" arguments for leaving and staying, were quite often diametrically opposed. The "shares" and comments on social media and in person, were frequently personal and emotive. But from all of this, we mere mortals were asked to make a decision that even the experts from within the same political parties and the leaders of industry and financial institutions, couldn't agree on. But over 70% of the UK did their best to make a decision and went out and voted. The votes were counted (and for once every vote did count) and that's it, that's the result.

Listening to the news today, you could conclude that a third World War had been declared if you didn't know what had actually happened. Our country "is now vulnerable and under threat". The pound is crashing. The markets are crashing. The Prime Minister who wanted this vote is resigning and letting someone else try to sort out the mess it's left. The Governor of the Bank of England's reassurances seemed to have exactly the opposite effect on many mere mortals. A state of total panic seems to be the order of the day, fuelled by the media and seemingly everyone who voted to "stay". Anyone who voted to leave seems now to be a target for accusations of racism, small-mindedness, bigotry and the cause of the "end of the world as we know it". Well Clever Bird is sick of it. The mistake (if there was a mistake) was asking ordinary people to vote on something that (in the main) they are completely unequipped to make a decision about. But they were asked and the majority of them did their best to make an informed choice on the information that was available to them. Now the country needs to reunite and get on with being the wonderful country that it is. Half the population has not suddenly grown horns and become the enemy of the rest of the population; everyone is the same person that they were yesterday, good, bad or indifferent. Clever Bird is getting upset that people are being so judgemental suddenly and that the media seem to be fuelling the way for our wonderful country's collapse. It is really not going to help.

Sorry bloggees, rant over and if you no longer wish to hear another word from Baggy that is your choice; you are welcome to stop following her, to unfriend her on Facebook, un-follow her on Twitter, or to never speak to her again in person. But to fall out with friends and family over a free vote where people have tried to make their best decision, or because you don't like their decision, or because they didn't vote, that is not what being British is all about in Clever Bird's view...........

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Guard mutts and thunderstorms are not a good mix.

Well that was quite a night in little old Suffolk. Terribly dramatic thunder storms once again. Baggy woke up at 1.30am and gave up trying to get back to sleep at 3.30am. She wandered downstairs, only for Furry Mama to find Minty Mutt in an incredibly stressed state. He was trotting round the house, backwards and forwards from the back to the front door, into the bathroom, then to the bottom of the stairs, then back round again. He was panting like a train and clearly upset. The poor sausage obviously couldn't work out where he needed to be to save his Mum and sisters from the bangs, cracks and sinister rumbles, that at times were shaking the whole house. Hinge and Bracket didn't seem bothered at all; they just wanted an early-hour's meal. Minty Mutt stuck to Baggy's leg and wouldn't let Furry Mama out of his reach, even when she went to the loo. Then he resumed his pacing. He scratched the back door, so Furry Mama let him out to check out the garden. It was pouring with rain, but there was no thunder, so after a rapid circuit, he came back in and resumed his pacing. Furry Mama was worried about him, so she turned on a night light for him and switched on the television and then sat with him for a while, until his breathing got a little more normal. Of course, while sitting there, Grotty Groom started to worry about the horses, but actually they probably felt less scared out in their paddocks than they would have in their stables. Clever Bird tried to work out why Minty is suddenly "afraid" of storms and concluded that it's not that he's afraid, it's that he feels he has to protect Furry Mama (much more than usual since her surgeries) and storms seem to be an indistinguishable threat from all directions. Bless the mutt for caring so much. Baggy finally went back up to bed as it was getting light. She couldn't sleep. The Hinge launched herself on top of Baggy, Furry Mama gave her a cuddle.

The phone rang. Grrrrrrrr! It was Calum. "What time is it?" "Half eight, you said you were getting up early". "Change of plan, I've barely slept". Furry Mama went down and checked on Minty, texted her friend to say that Grotty wouldn't be riding after all and went back to bed. Ten minutes later she had to go back downstairs to turn off her alarm on her phone - well done Clever Bird. Baggy finally woke at 10.45am with Minty Mutt barking his little head off at the dustbin men. Baggy had cramp in her right calf muscle. Agony!

Calum showed up shortly afterwards, having popped home in his break to vote in the EU Referendum. He reassured Minty Mutt and Baggy, had a quick shower and a cuppa, then went back to work, leaving Minty and Baggy feeling bereft. Furry Mama decided to take Minty out. At least Baggy was dressed for it as Grotty intended going to the yard - proper waterproof boots over jodphurs. She needed them! She popped into the village hall with Minty Mutt and Clever Bird posted her vote. She hopes she's made the right decision, it struck her once she got there, just how big a deal it was and how uninformed she really was to make such a monumental decision - but at least she did make one. Now the country waits to see the result. Minty didn't care, he just wanted to get to The Thickets, so that he could jump in every single puddle that he reached.

And there were lots of them!

Minty made very sure that he checked out every single one - the muddier the better.

The Domestic Goddess was told to, "shut up" by Furry Mama who decided that Minty needed the chance to relax and if that meant getting soaked and filthy, then so be it. Baggy's cramped leg hurt, as she worked her way around the gloopy paths that Mint insisted they explored. It turned into a long walk, but they both needed it.

Clever Bird has no idea why Minty Mutt loves puddles so much, but he was in his element today!

By the time they got home, Minty was so filthy that Furry Mama had to give him a hose-down in his (punctured) swimming pool. Baggy was hungry, so got The Goddess to rustle up a (not very) healthy lunch. It looked as though there was going to be another storm, so, as it was already 2.30pm, Furry Mama decided to stay at home with Minty, rather than taking Grotty over to the horses. She had already decided it was way too hot and humid to ride anyway and they will just recoat themselves in mud, so she'll go tomorrow instead after Fat Club - she'll probably need a reassuring horse cuddle once she gets off the scales............

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Hormonal Hannah got beaten by Grotty Groom today.

Grotty Groom decided that Hormonal Hannah could get over herself today, Baggy was going to take her to the yard to see the horses, whether Hannah liked it or not! Hannah did not like it, in fact Hannah wanted Baggy to stay in the house again, but Clever Bird was having none of it. Firstly she got Baggy to drag Furry Mama out, as Minty Mutt needed his walk. Then once Minty was settled down at home, she stopped Baggy from sitting back down and made her go straight back out to take Grotty to the yard.

The Boys were just finishing their session on the horse-walker, so Grotty was just in time to give them a good groom. She had intended riding, but Hannah was making her reluctant to do so, so instead she groomed, and groomed, and groomed a bit more. Both Boys appreciated it - they enjoyed a good scratch. The farrier was coming to re-shoe them this afternoon too, which Grotty hadn't realised, so it was another excuse to give in to Hormonal Hannah and not let Grotty ride. Instead, Grotty stayed with the Boys while they were shod and chatted to the farrier. At least both Boys were clean and sparkly for him.

The forecast for tonight is for heavy rain and thunderstorms, and very warm and muggy air, so Grotty told the head girl, that she'd take the Boys' zebra fly rugs home and wash them and that they could be turned out naked! They were delighted when Grotty told them - they both told her that they would make sure to roll in the absolute muddiest bits of the paddock, so that she could groom them for even longer tomorrow. Grotty is determined to ride Wessles tomorrow, so getting the mud off first will be interesting..........

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Baggy's had a bit of a day again.

Baggy had to get up reasonably early this morning as she had to go to the dentist for an old filling to be replaced. Baggy is not scared of the dentist thankfully, but this morning Hormonal Hannah started on her! The dentist was running nearly half-an-hour late, which didn't help; by the time Baggy went in, she was very anxious. Obviously she was having a local anaesthetic, so clearly the actual filling shouldn't hurt, but that requires an injection in the gum. Baggy is fine with injections. She has a very high pain threshold - well she did anyway! How Hannah did not swear at, or hit the dentist when the needle went in, Clever Bird is not sure. It hurt like hell! Baggy said as much. Apart from one moment, when she felt something and flinched, the process was fine. Job done, Baggy sat up and went most peculiar! She tried to stand up and her legs began to crumple, then she started to shake. She was told to "sit", and given a glucose drink and felt slightly better. When she left, Clever Bird realised that Baggy was still too spaced-out to be driving, so she popped into her posh pack-a-mac shop for a cappuccino.

Shortly after she got home Baggy's physiotherapist arrived to check on Baggy's progress to a) straighten her body and b) actually get her main inner core muscle to do something useful - like work! Baggy had been very good doing her exercises until about a week ago, when she stopped. She had a swollen stomach and Freda Fretter decided that she must be doing something wrong. For once Freda was right to worry, Baggy was doing it wrong and potentially damaging her abs. Baggy has been reshown how to do the exercise and this time, "mustn't try so hard" to do it. The good news was that she could actually connect it for 22-seconds (twice as long as six weeks ago), only another 88 to go then! By the time the physio. left, the anaesthetic was beginning to take over Baggy's entire mouth, so Clever Bird resisted letting Baggy drink hot tea.

Furry Mama decided to make up for yesterday and let Minty Mutt choose a walk. He chose the water meadows. Once again Clever Bird had forgotten yesterday's rain. Mint nearly drowned in his stream! Literally disappeared under water, dumb dog. Then Baggy, once more in her little hippy shoes, realised that the entire path was a fast-flowing, muddy stream!

As Minty couldn't lie down in his stream, he decided that he would lie in the temporary one that was streaming down from the fields instead! Hmmmmm!

The Domestic Goddess despaired. Baggy despaired even more when she realised just how much water she was going to have to walk through. Well done Clever Bird.

But Baggy felt better for being out in sunshine, unlike yesterday when she stayed in a darkened house (curtains shut) with the fire blazing! Mind you, by yesterday evening she was melting from the heat. But she definitely feels a lot more positive today than she did yesterday. Now the anaesthetic is wearing off almost completely and Baggy's mouth is beginning to hurt. Clever Bird is trying to convince Hannah, that that's not surprising and she has nothing to worry about. See bloggees - positive.......

Monday, 20 June 2016

Anxiety and depression.

Hormonal Hannah is really not a terribly likeable woman; in fact Clever Bird is struggling to find one nice thing to say about her. With "friends" or acquaintances, the advice for those who bring you down, or sap your energy, is to chop them out of your life - you don't need that kind of negative energy, so get rid of it. But it really isn't that simple to get rid of one of Baggy's gang members. Baggy is (at least for the moment), well and truly stuck with the old cow. But she's bringing the rest of the gang down hard and even though Clever Bird is well aware that the woman is irrational, she can't override her influence. Baggy can cope with the awful hot flushes and even more awful night sweats that Hannah has introduced through her menopause, they probably help her to lose weight! She's used to aching from head to toe and feeling tired too. But the overwhelming anxiety and total lack of confidence and feelings of worthlessness - no she's not coping very well with those. Furry Mama was walking Minty Mutt last week and Baggy was looking at the woods and thinking how lucky she was. She realised that she's the happiest that she's ever been in her life and how lucky she was to have met and married Calum; at which point Hannah proceeded to point out that, "It's sure to all go wrong" and put her into a meltdown. It's just an awful feeling. But actually Clever Bird realised that Baggy has always been like this, since she was a child, and she's pretty much always right - it always has then gone wrong but she's got through it; but now Hannah seems to have made those feelings even worse, to the point where Baggy is not sure that she would get through it again if something did go wrong once more.

To be truthful even letting Creative Clara type this is making Baggy panic: should she really be this open to the world? Hannah is telling her not to press the "publish" button. She has nothing to moan or worry about, in fact she has an extremely happy and privileged life, so who the hell does she think she is to be feeling this way? But that's the point isn't it bloggees? Baggy is finally beginning to realise that maybe she is ill at the moment, whether it's entirely down to Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst making Baggy lose her ovaries and plunging her into the menopause; or whether it's the stress of everything that's happened in the last few years, or a combination of both, the fact is that she is anxious and depressed. And as this blog is about her recovery process after her Lawrence surgery, this is the latest set back in her recovery. So she will try to over rule Hannah and press the publish button. If you are reading this bloggees, then Baggy has won one small battle over Hannah at least!

Today was typical of Hannah's influence on Baggy, she waved Calum off to work for the week at 6.30am, then couldn't face the day, so stayed in bed until Cal woke her with a phone call at 9.30am. He is kindly trying to sort out all the issues with Baggy's Dad's house, that have now been getting worse since she first started to sort them five or six weeks ago. The fact that it is once again raining torrentially, means that getting things sorted is even more urgent, as the water will be going straight through the roof! Calum is now facing all the same issues. Why does it have to be so hard to get professionals to do what they have said they'll do? Stage one just being to "call back"? Yes it's all pretty stressful, but Hormonal Hannah is making Baggy totally over react. At least her eyeballs will be very well lubricated. But FOUR different professionals are going to call Baggy back! The longest wait being for the Funeral Directors - four weeks since Calum last chased them! Then the Damp Proof Company - eight days so far. After Calum has spoken to the two others today, so far it's just been hours - if the last few weeks are anything to go by, that will soon become days. Sigh, scream, blub! And repeat. Ridiculous and playing right into Hannah's hands!

But even though Clever Bird knows that Baggy would feel better if Grotty Groom spent a bit of time with her horses, Hannah is stopping her from going over there. Mind you, the weather is so bad today that The Domestic Goddess is thinking of lighting the fire and so far, even though it's now 12-noon, Minty Mutt has refused to even go into the garden - maybe he's depressed too...........

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Really bad day turned really good.

Baggy overslept (again) because she didn't want to face the day. She had actually forgotten that it was Father's Day, but maybe Freda Fretter had remembered. Four years ago on Father's day, Baggy found her poor Dad dead, so it's not an easy day. Baggy just wanted to stay in the safety of her house; she wouldn't even let Grotty Groom or Furry Mama venture out. But when Calum got home from his bike rally at lunchtime, he suggested that they go out. It took a bit of persuading, but eventually Furry Mama agreed that Minty Mutt needed an outing. They decided to drive over to Clacton-on-Sea. En route, they changed their minds and headed to Walton-on-the-Naze instead.

Minty Mutt loved it, although in sticking his head in the long grass he picked up a passenger - Furry Mama realised that he had a tick on his eye when they stopped for tea.

Then Calum spotted a second one on the same eye. In actual fact there was a third one in the ruff around his neck that Furry Mama found when they got home. Freda Fretter is now concerned that there might be more hidden in his long fur. Horrible things! Baggy checked her own legs too - at least they aren't too furry at the moment. None found.

After a comfort-lunch of toasties and cake, they ventured onto the exposed beach due to the tide being out.

Minty of course had to lie down. He also made the mistake of trying the water for taste! Creative Clara collected rather a lot of shells - no idea what she has in mind for them. Then Archaeologist Annie decided to do a bit of fossil hunting and picked up almost enough bits of tree to rebuild one.

It's scary how fast that beautiful bit of coast is eroding though!

Presumably the local Dad's Army lot weren't paddling in their pillboxes!

It was however a very lovely afternoon and cheered Baggy up no end..............

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Clever Bird is about as clever as Clever Mutt is - not very!

For once Baggy slept! She only had to get up twice and slept for four hours in between each one - a miracle! Calum woke her up phoning her at 11.30am! Yes 11.30. Clearly she needed it. So Furry Mama set off a little late with Minty Mutt, having dressed Baggy in her new (retail therapy) hippy trousers and mac, because it looked a little overcast. She headed off, only to realise after a few hundred yards that Clever Bird had forgotten Baggy's sunglasses; even though it wasn't bright, Baggy's head soon started to spin from her cataract playing up. Oh the joys of falling apart at the seams. It was chilly though and Baggy felt cold, even with a jumper on under her coat #englishsummer. Pah! As she wandered across the village football pitch, Baggy noticed the pond that the village hall car park had turned into and remembered the torrential rain of last night. Clever Bird decided that perhaps the water meadows would be a bad plan, so when Minty Mutt pulled Furry Mama towards Assington Thickets, Clever Bird agreed that this was a good plan. Wrong!

They had barely got through the gate into the Thickets before Minty found his first puddle. Sigh! As Baggy wandered on, Clever Bird remembered just how heavy the rain had been and looked down at the footpaths that were more like streams. It didn't take long for Clever Bird to realise that her clothing choices for the day were a little off - Baggy might has well have been wandering along with bare feet!

The further into the Thickets they went, the wetter they got, but Minty Mutt was in need of a long walk and led the way. Creative Clara was singing to herself and admiring the foxgloves and not

paying as much attention as she should have, to what Mint was up to, as he wandered along sniffing stuff.

Next thing she knew, he was in another puddle about fifty yards in front of her, only this one was HUGE because it was the overflow from a ditch; a ditch that Minty Mutt was heading straight towards. Furry Mama panicked! Baggy had memories of being a teenager in the 1970's when her home town of Bungay had flooded really badly. The River Waveney burst its banks and covered fields and gardens for acres and acres. Baggy and her friends made the most of it and canoed off the course of the river, over fields and through people's gardens, over roads and car parks into more fields. They came to a field which was a bit shallower and had to get out and pull their canoes behind them. Of course, it was Baggy, who leading the way, found the ditch by basically suddenly disappearing under water! Totally underwater, bearing in mind that she is (and was then) five foot ten inches tall. Very cold, muddy water! Furry Mama screamed at Minty, "Nooooooooooo! Go back" Occasionally he pays proper attention - probably something to do with the note of hysteria in Baggy's voice. He stopped, just as his front legs were suddenly a foot under muddy water. He backed up. "Good Boy", called a very relieved Furry Mama who had had visions of Minty disappearing in a narrow ditch that he couldn't have turned around in. And breathe.

Home once more, Clever Bird was happy that at least Gloria Gardener had no need to do any watering today.............

Friday, 17 June 2016

Baggy is sooooooooo chuffed with herself for once!

Fat Club today! Clever Bird was fairly optimistic for Baggy, as the gang had been pretty determined to keep her healthy eating on track this week. The first three days went very well, then "life" kicked in and Freda Fretter and Hormonal Hannah got involved! Baggy has realised by keeping a food/lifestyle diary, that she comfort eats - a lot. So the rest of the week was not exactly on plan, but it wasn't a total disaster; she resisted the pancakes for one thing. Furry Mama kept Baggy active, walking fast, rather than dawdling along at Minty Mutt's sniff-everything-in-sight pace. Grotty Groom only rode the once, but she did "scrub" the Boys for over an hour on two occassions. The Domestic Goddess worked her little socks off, and made Baggy dance while she vacuumed. The results: 2 1/2lbs less of Baggy! Plus another shiny sticker and a "susstificate" to mark 3-stones lost to date. Oh yes, Baggy is on a bit of a high for once!

She feels so much healthier and better about herself now, all set off a year ago by Wesley's physiotherapist telling Grotty Groom that Baggy was too heavy to ride her horse as he has kissing spines! Looking back at the photo from a year ago, Clever Bird can see why!

The Domestic Goddess has just cooked ham, fried eggs, tomatoes and chips for lunch (yep, all okay on her healthy eating plan) for Baggy and Calum, who has just set off on his motorbike for his bike rally - just as the Heavens opened and let out a torrential downpour! Baggy really wishes she was spending the weekend with him, but Baggy just can't face letting Hairy Biker Hen go too. Wet clothes, in a wet tent in a wet field, with lots of hairies listening to loud music and drinking beer, nope, Baggy is spending time drinking tea with Creative Clara and the furries...........

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Clever Bird left Baggy's brain at home.

So Baggy bought her posh pack-a-mac yesterday and woke up to pouring rain first thing. It stopped, so Clever Bird decided that Furry Mama should whip Minty Mutt out for a walk. They set off. The rain clouds gathered. Where was Baggy's new mac? Hanging on the back of the front door, that's where!

Then Clever Bird realised that Baggy had made her first ever sale on e-bay, so she needed to pack the item and post it off. It took her nearly twenty minutes to pack it safely! Remember bloggees that Baggy lives in the sticks; the nearest post office is ten minutes drive away. Off she set, doing the maths as she went - the petrol to the post office and back cost more than she got for the item in total. Ah well, never mind.

Grotty Groom decided that Baggy needed a bit of horse therapy, so she carried on to see the Boys - that way, the petrol didn't count - so she's back in profit from her sale! All £1.40 of it. The yard was deserted. Clearly Wessles was terribly stressed that she hasn't been there for a few days........

Grotty let Baggy have cuddles with all the horses that were in, while she wandered about looking for someone - anyone, and failed. So she groomed both her horses and cleaned out their water buckets. Grotty feels that she should be back on duty by now, but Calum insists that Baggy still isn't strong enough. After emptying, scrubbing and refilling four water buckets, Clever Bird is inclined to agree with Calum.

Calum's off on a bike rally for the weekend tomorrow, so by the time Baggy got home again, he was home too. Baggy's surprise for him had arrived - they look even more mad on him than Clever Bird thought they would, but Cal loved his harem pants........

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Ups and downs and ups today.

Baggy woke up feeling fairly positive, despite another terrible night's sleep - or more accurately - lack of sleep. But the feeling didn't last. A phone call from the estate agent soon put paid to that feeling. Baggy was soon fighting off Freda Fretter, but in trying to explain the latest ridiculous situation with Dad's house to Calum, Hormonal Hannah joined the fray. In spite of Calum's offer to take over and try to sort out the situation, she had Baggy in tears (again). Poor Calum, stuck in his lorry hundreds of miles away, with his wife unravelling on the phone, which of course set Freda off again, but thankfully Calum is a strong rock. But still, Baggy felt ridiculously stressed once more and Hannah was telling her that she wouldn't be able to manage the latest confrontation that was going to be required with the so-called professionals. She also couldn't face calling back the Funeral Directors, the Lawyers and the Damp Proof Company, all of whom had promised faithfully to call her back before today - what is the matter with companies these days? She decided to leave it and go out for some fresh air. Furry Mama took Minty out - he chose the route - they went to the dormouse sanctuary.

Even though it was a little warm today, The Domestic Goddess had words with Furry Mama about letting the Boy go in the stream. The new rugs are too nice to be totally covered in mud. So Furry Mama agreed to avoid the stream and stick with the dry grass. They headed back home. Minty Mutt spotted his chance; before Clever Bird could let Furry Mama know what the Mutt was about to do, he'd done it! Straight in a ditch. A very very steep-sided ditch. In fact probably five feet straight down! Freda Fretter panicked. Minty Mutt is on daily painkillers for the osteo-arthritis in his hips and there was no way that Baggy was going to be able to get him out of there!

Not helped by the fact that Baggy was dressed to go out - not to dig a dog out of a ditch. Dress, summery shoes, silk over dress, not practical. Baggy took Freda away to have a think about what to do next - nothing! Furry Mama spoke to the lad, "Well you got in there you stupid mutt, you're going to have to get yourself out!" The photo above is him mulling that over! Thankfully he managed it - just.

The walk helped Baggy, but a couple more phone calls when she got home and some checking of paperwork, set Hormonal Hannah back off. Baggy was soon back in a black fug. So Clever Bird decided that as Baggy had to go out to get her hair cut, she would go via a shop she popped into yesterday to kill time on the way to the dentist. She had spotted a cool mac. She hadn't tried it on, as it was expensive, but Creative Clara loved it. It was a little wacky and a bit different; an upmarket pack-a-mac. As she drove to the shop, in her dresses, without a coat on, the Heavens opened. Psychic Ploppo decided that it was "a sign". Mac bought - retail therapy done - tick. The shop owner cut the label off the coat, (that Baggy refused to take off). Baggy left the shop wearing her therapy.

Next stop Long Melford to get her hair cut. Clever Bird had of course got Baggy there early, so off she trotted to her favourite café. The best cappuccino was ordered, along with a to-die-for sausage roll. Comfort eating therapy done - tick. Diet blown - "shut up Freda Fretter". Baggy didn't care, she felt better (sorry Fat Club).

To the hairdressers. Baggy's hair has not been cut for eighteen months. It was very long and very dry. Freda Fretter asked her hairdresser (who is more than a little scissor-happy) for a trim. "Please only take an inch off or I'm likely to have a meltdown". Three-plus inches later, Baggy's hair looked and felt a million times better. Pampering therapy complete - tick. Baggy treated herself to some very expensive shampoo and conditioner for her grey hair (that she's determined to grow out). More retail therapy - tick.

Baggy set off down the High Street in the rain (with wet hair so that didn't matter) and her lovely new wacky mac on, feeling a "few" dollars - certainly not a million, but quite a few. She looked up at the sky and realised that it was raining around her but not on her - the clouds had circled her, and the town. Baggy felt very happy to be alive - she just might need to find cheaper coping mechanisms.........

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Baggy will be getting some help soon - she needs it!

The phone assessment went well according to Clever Bird. Freda Fretter wasn't quite so sure, but that's no surprise is it? The big surprise (at least to Baggy anyway), is that she is depressed. After three sets of assessment survey questions, her anxiety scored a 7 on the scale and her depression an 8. Now admittedly Clever Bird forgot to ask what the scales went up to, (actually, nope that's a lie); Freda Fretter stopped Clever Bird from asking what the scales went up to, but presumably not 10, as the counsellor then said that neither of those was too serious. However, Clever Bird would have put money on Baggy suffering more from anxiety than depression, so she was a little taken aback. But although neither is deemed to be of concern (yay), she does still need help (oh well - no real surprise as she blubbed through most of the forty-minutes).

So in July, Baggy will be taking Hormonal Hannah and Freda Fretter to a series of sessions on how to manage stress and anxiety, which will also explain what effects they can have on a person's physical and mental wellbeing. She has also been referred for psychotherapy sessions with a counsellor to try to resolve some of the (many) unresolved issues that Baggy has. Freda feels that Baggy might be making a mountain out of a wormcast, but while talking to Calum about the assessment, she realised that she had actually been underplaying some of her answers. Why? Because Baggy knows that she isn't mentally ill, so Clever Bird didn't want her to over egg how she was feeling. But then she also knew that she wasn't depressed. Hmmmm. But she will take the help, because she is fed up of feeling so worthless and clearly an expert thinks that she needs it. So watch out for the new and improved Baggy in the next few months bloggees. Onwards and upwards.......

Baggy is feeling terrified.

Baggy is having one of those days. Freda Fretter has already dragged Baggy to the dentist, she was well overdue for a visit thanks to Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst causing her to cancel her last appointment and Hormonal Hannah then forgetting to make a new one. She needs a filling that's broken, fixed, so has to go back on Friday. Now she is sitting waiting for the call from the counsellor who is going to assess Baggy's state of mind. Baggy is in a state - she is really terrified about it, thanks to Hormonal Hannah being an idiot. Seriously - why? So Creative Clara is distracting her. Quick blog. Bit of retail therapy on-line. Baggy pants for Baggy and hopefully, baggy pants for Calum too (don't tell him, they're a surprise). Freda Fretter is just hoping that they fit. Mind you if they don't Baggy will probably end up with them.

Baggy ended up with the present that Furry Mama got for Minty Mutt at the weekend! It was Calum's fault though! They bought it while food shopping, then went to the yard to see the horses. When Baggy got back into the car to drive home, this is what she saw!

Minty's new toy (now called Celia the chicken) had made best friends with the two cockerels who live in Baggy's car. Clearly Baggy could not then let her go and be chewed by a ten-stone German Shepherd could she bloggees? Yes, the counsellor will be calling fairly soon..........

Monday, 13 June 2016

Baggy is harnessing Hormonal Hannah's anger and is on a mission!

Calum left for work at 6.30am as usual for a Monday and Baggy and Minty Mutt sulked, as usual for a Monday. Not as usual for a Monday, Baggy could not get back to sleep, partly because Hormonal Hannah started her wittering in Baggy's ear again, so she got up! Yes bloggees, over three hours earlier than she frequently does! Before 7.30am, The Domestic Goddess had a load of washing done and hung out on the line, and another load in. Furry Mama had poo-picked the garden. The Goddess had tidied and dusted the sitting room. Then the chimney sweep turned up - brushed the chimney, while Clever Bird did the filing. All while being watched over from the front garden by one of the robins that seem to be constantly with Baggy this year.

Clever Bird then took charge. Surprisingly, she decided to use Hormonal Hannah's anger to get things moving!

* Letter written to the solicitor instructing him to buy the part of Baggy's Dad's garden that the neighbour bought from the farmer, who had previously bought it from under Baggy's Dad's nose (without him realising!). Further instructions also given for the rest of the garden. Clever Bird is insisting that Baggy does this, rather than having a legal battle that will probably cost as much and will end up with Hormonal Hannah having another meltdown.

* Estate agents who are supposed to be managing the place given a stern talking to by Hormonal Hannah who has had enough of being mucked about. They have now promised to get a builder to fix the broken pantile (that has allowed a ceiling to flood) by tomorrow and to get a quote to Baggy for decorating the outside, fixing the roof, sorting the chimney and various other bits.

* Once they were opened, Baggy set Hormonal Hannah onto the solicitor and explained on the phone that she wanted action and the letter was in the post (almost).

* Damp proofing company phoned to check whether their quote was still valid, five months on. They'll be calling Baggy back.

Breath taken!

Furry Mama walked Minty Mutt and Clever Bird actually remembered to get Baggy to post said letter to the solicitor.

The Goddess hung out the next lot of washing and vacuumed the sitting room, then cooked Baggy a fry-up for brunch. It's only 11.00am bloggees and for the first time in a while Baggy actually feels that she is back in control...........

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Baggy is feeling a tiny bit less stressed.

Funny old day, emotions-wise and weather-wise. But after yesterday's performance Baggy decided that Grotty Groom shouldn't ride today and in any case it was cold and wet. So to try and help Baggy get her head around what to do about her Dad's house, Calum and she drove over there today with the Minty Mutt. Between Freda Fretter and Hormonal Hannah wittering in her ear, Baggy has been getting more and more stressed about what to do; not helped by the so-called "professionals" just not doing their jobs. But although it was all a bit upsetting for Baggy, they now seem to have a plan. Baggy just has to get onto said professionals this week to try to ensure that the plan happens. It will mean spending a lot of money, but the poor house needs sorting out before it gets really bad. Inevitably this means that Hannah is going to be a nightmare this week, but actually Baggy is just happy to have a bit of a plan. Having both rising damp and a leaking roof is not good for the poor house!

Because Baggy is suffering from major anxiety thanks to the stupid menopause; well actually to be more accurate, increased by the menopause, (she has always had Freda Fretter as a major gang member), everything seems too much to handle. But at least having a vague idea of what to do next helps her manage the panics. Otherwise, Freda and Hannah just keep Baggy's brain going round and round in ever increasing circles. But Baggy realises that she's lucky to have "the problem", so she's got home feeling very positive. Her lovely husband knows she's down still though so surprised her with two presents. The first, the traditional bunch of flowers for Baggy.

The second is the world's best present for Hormonal Hannah; a fan that also squirts water at her. Oh yeah, go away you hot flushes...............

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Grotty has just had her last hack out for the forseeable future!

On yesterday's blog, Creative Clara mentioned that Baggy really is not vain and that she doesn't wear make-up more than twice a year! So guess what adverts Baggy had today bloggees - uh huh you're correct - the first one is "test free beauty products for us" and the second "get make-up samples for free". Now what would actually be useful to Baggy Big Brother, is fly spray that actually works on horses and horse sunglasses and nose nets for horses - pretty please - free samples would be lovely! As frankly, after today's hack, Grotty Groom will not be riding out again anytime soon!

Why? Well it's a long story! Are you sitting comfortably? Perhaps a cup of tea or a glass of wine may be in order. No? Okay then. Well it went like this! Both horses were tacked up and ready to go when Calum decided he needed to pop off for a minute. Grotty stayed with the Boys, both of whom were semi-dozing over their stable doors, trying to cope with the muggy heat and the flies in the stables. The yard groom walked up to the horse-walker which is right next to the Boys' stables and put her horse on it. Baggy could hear her reassuring her horse when suddenly there was a very loud (well Clara wants to say "bang" but actually it was more of a) boom! Both horses jumped and shot backwards. Grotty made Baggy jump too. The groom started using a very high-pitched voice to try to calm her horse down. Wessles was on high alert and trying to decide whether to spin around his stable. Joey kind of froze. Wesley decided to stay with Grotty, but did continuous scaredy snorts. Clever Bird assumed that a horse on the walker had double-barrelled the machine or something. Calum reappeared and Baggy explained that both horses were in full flight-mode. "Yes, I heard the boom, it made me jump". Then two other girls ran to the horse-walker and Baggy heard, "What was that noise?" None of us know even now, but it sounded like a large gun.

Grotty and Calum took the Boys out and mounted them without incident. As they set off down the car park, Grotty noticed that someone had left a bunch of stuff outside their car. Wesley decided it was going to eat him. Grotty noticed a large plastic bag behind a roadworks sign. Wesley decided it was going to eat him. Grotty pointed out to Wesley that Joey had gone straight past them. Wesley said that "Joey was an idiot, they were going to eat him". The horse flies appeared! Now they really were going to eat him, Grotty had to agree, even though she had disguised him as a zebra. Wesley took offence at one and threw his nose to his leg. Baggy nearly went through his ears as she doesn't have the strength to keep Grotty securely in the saddle. In the space of twenty yards Wessles performed this manoeuvre another five times. This was not going to be a good ride. Even Joey was getting agitated and kicking his own stomach. But as we hit a breeze it seemed to get a bit better. Calum asked which way Grotty wanted to go: left up a long-grassed track and back to the yard or right through the village on roads. Roads seemed a better option, so they went right.

Grotty noticed a black dog in a garden. Wesley decided that it was going to eat him. Grotty noticed white painted circles and writing on the road around a large pothole. Wessles decided that he was going to get eaten. Grotty noticed white writing in the middle of the road. Wessles avoided it like the plague. Grotty noticed another circle around a pothole. Wesley decided to investigate it more closely. Clever Bird decided to let him, but Freda Fretter made Baggy hold the sissy-strap on the front of her saddle while he put his nose down to it. Just as well she did. Grotty was just thinking, "Oh that's good, he's over this now" as his nose was literally touching the white paint, when he decided that it was going to eat him, and leapt six foot backwards doing dragon-snorts. Meanwhile Joey and Calum were over thirty yards ahead trying to keep the horse flies at bay. Wesley carried on like an unexploded bomb. Grotty noticed loads more white painted writing over a large part of the middle of the road, just in front of the village pub. Two people were sitting talking at a table outside, Joey decided that they were going to eat him and spooked, at the same second as a boy on a mountain bike cut up the left-hand side of Wesley, then shot left into the pub car park, doing a skid halt and sending the gravel flying. Wesley was being eaten! He took off, then saw the white words and stopped dead, Grotty spun round in a temper and shouted, "Seriously?" at the teenager. Wesley did a major tap dance. The people at the pub table looked rather worried. Baggy shouted to Calum to "wait", but Joey was scared of the people and being eaten alive by horse flies. Grotty calmed Wesley down enough to get him past the white writing.

They entered a lane they had named "Horse Fly Alley" last year. It lived up to its name. They decided to trot - very fast. It turned into a hunting trot. Wesley thought about cantering. Grotty just tried to keep Baggy going through her pain. As soon as they pulled up, Wesley dropped his nose back down to his leg. Arghhhhh! Baggy stayed on - just. By the time they got back to the yard, Wesley was dripping sweat, so Grotty decided to shower him. Clearly the shower room was going to trap him. He wouldn't go in. Grotty asked the groom if she could chivvy him from behind. Wesley decided she was going to eat him. The groom decided that she might be best at the front and Grotty could go behind. They swapped. The groom marched Wesley positively forward, Grotty encouraged him from behind. Wesley decided he was going to die. He took off around the stables! The groom retrieved him; got a mint treat out. Wesley agreed that he wouldn't die and went in. He loved his shower, until he decided it was too near his face, then he shot backwards breaking the tie string. Grotty sighed. Wesley relaxed and ate someone else's hay that was draining. Grotty let him! Frankly, Grotty needs to keep her observations and thoughts to herself as she seems to have a telepathic link with Wessles, and breathe Baggy.

Clever Bird has decided that until the horse flies have moved on Grotty can take Wesley into the arena and stay well away from hedges! No more hacking for a while, it is way too stressful for everyone. Schooling it will be then.........

Friday, 10 June 2016

Fat Club rocks!

Baggy woke up this morning with Hormonal Hannah wittering at her, so although she had no idea why, Baggy was once again very, very low. There's no rationale to it, she just feels really down, having gone to bed last night feeling really up. In fact ever since Clever Bird referred Baggy for counselling, apart from a couple of days, she's been fairly okay; so much so in fact that Freda Fretter has been questioning why Baggy is wasting everyone's time and NHS budget, by applying for help. But today, that horrible black fug was back. Freda tried to stop Baggy from going to Fat Club, but Clever Bird insisted that she should go. But no matter what outfit Baggy put on, each time she looked in the mirror all she could see was an unattractive, saggy old lady looking back at her. What's more, although she now looks fairly slender, she has a swollen stomach that Hormonal Hannah told Baggy made her look like a pregnant old lady. Let's just say that 90% of Baggy's wardrobe is now on the bedroom floor - still that is, five hours later! Forty minutes (and probably quite a lot of burnt calories later), she had finally chosen an outfit that she felt vaguely okay in!

It occurs to Clever Bird that this makes Baggy sound incredibly vain. This is very far from the truth - if she were vain, she would not be letting her hair go white and would wear make-up more than twice a year; she probably wouldn't let Grotty Groom rock about in jodphurs and have hay in Baggy's hair most of the time either. But Baggy has never had much confidence about her looks (ever) even though she now realises from old photos, that she was a fairly good-looking chick. Now she has none. This morning she didn't want to leave the house, thanks to Hormonal Hannah, until Clever Bird pointed out that there were much more serious things to worry about than what Baggy looks like and she really wanted to get on those scales!!!! Stupid Hormonal Hannah took over Baggy's morning conversation on the phone to her husband - Calum, as always, was incredibly supportive - Clever Bird realised how stupid Baggy was being. Baggy rolled into the car park just as one of her Fat Club friends had rolled up too. "You look lovely, are you going somewhere?" asked Jane. See Hormonal Hannah and Freda Fretter, you are both a pain in Baggy's (much smaller than it used to be) butt!

Baggy (somehow) had lost a pound! Now she just needs to repeat that performance next week to get her three-stone certificate! But even before she knew that she had in fact lost weight, Baggy's mood had lifted. Just being with the lovely folk of Fat Club, all of whom are on the same journey, was uplifting. They are all so supportive of Baggy and each other, that it's a pleasure to know them. Fat Club rocks...........

Thursday, 9 June 2016


Clever Bird has just realised that Baggy's blog has now had over 10,000 views! Wowzer! Thank you so much for your interest bloggees - it made Hormonal Hannah cry! But for once they were happy tears. This week's bloggees have checked in from the UK, USA, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Poland, France, Russia, Ukraine, Holland and Romania! It makes Baggy feel very loved and keeps Hormonal Hannah smiling, to know that so many of you care enough to know what Baggy's ordinary little life has chucked at her, that you keep checking in. Just wowzer. Thank you.

Not that she and the gang have been up to anything spectacular today. Furry Mama walked Minty Mutt (after Baggy overslept). It was COLD! Mad weather. Then Baggy needed to go and pick her favourite jumper up from the repairers - the moths had been at it. But when she got there, the lovely lady that owns the place spotted another hole that they (and Baggy) had missed. Pesky moths. Marvellous excuse to go and get a cappuccino from Baggy's favourite café while she waited though. Hormonal Hannah isn't entirely sure how, but Baggy resisted the cake. Yay! There's nothing like knowing that Baggy has to go and stand on the Fat Club scales tomorrow to get Freda Fretter screaming in Baggy's ear, "Reeeeessssiiiisssttttttt!". Freda really, really wants Baggy to have lost some weight this week, but as she has had at least two non-diet days, she's not holding out too much hope. Because it's been silly hot, Furry Mama has been dawdling, or not taking Minty out at all and Grotty Groom has only ridden four times, so Freda is fretting about it.

By the time Baggy had picked up her mended jumper, it was HOT! Mad, mad weather. Grotty had already decided that she would loose-school Wessles, rather than riding him. When she got to the yard, she was in luck for once, there was no one in either school. It's not done to loose-school if any other horse is around, because a hurtling around loose horse can set other horses off. Wessles will mirror Grotty and copy her movements; he follows her and moves with her. He'll even hop over jumps and poles with her. Occasionally he has a moment and will gallop and buck around the arena - Baggy got badly hurt once when she spun round and he did the same and caught her arm with his leg, but Creative Clara digresses. Grotty hasn't done any of this loose dancing with Wesley for a very long time, so she wanted to check that their connection is still there. Clever Bird repeats - it was HOT! They both wandered into the arena. Grotty took off Wesley's headcollar and she went and sat Baggy on a jump wing. Wesley sniffed another horse's poo that was by the gate, then stood. Grotty waited. Wesley stood. Grotty waited. Wesley swooshed his tail at the flies. Grotty waited, while Baggy sat and got upset that Wesley was still standing about twenty yards away. Grotty waited. Wesley stood. Baggy dropped her head and started to cry quietly, apologising to Wesley in her head for having left him for so long and for having broken their magical connection. Grotty felt a breath. Wesley was licking Baggy's head!!!!!!!

Grotty wandered off. Wesley stood. This went on for around forty-five minutes! Each time, Wesley would turn up and stand with Grotty. Baggy was delighted that the connection is still there and agreed with Wesley that it really was too hot to do anything other than amble about a bit, then stand! The minute that Baggy decided that she was heading towards heat stroke and had had enough, Wesley glued himself to her! Hmmmmm! Grotty groomed both boys before heading home.

The Domestic Goddess has just made Baggy burgers for her supper (yep bloggees, they were within her diet), now Clara is in charge..........

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

So far so go-go for Baggy today.

Baggy: Waking up early. Furry Mama: Walking the Minty Mutt before it gets too hot.

Mind you, it was already too hot for Minty Mutt. Did we really have the heating on last week?

Gloria Gardener: Watering her pots.

The Domestic Goddess: Doing a load of washing and hanging it in the sunshine. Furry Mama: Checking on Jack-the-attack-cat (next door) - no sign of him after his night on the tiles! And most brilliant of all Creative Clara: Getting an instant internet connection and writing a blog. What's more - not having to worry about how much data she is using, because she now has unlimited amounts of it - means that she can go mad with the photos! (You have been warned bloggees.) Or having to wait five minutes for a photo to upload. Freda Fretter is living the dream! One thing less for her to worry about. Baggy and the gang are on a roll and it's only 10.00am.

Grotty Groom really wanted to ride today, but Clever Bird is insisting that she doesn't as she'll give Baggy heatstroke, unless it cools down considerably!

Mind you, Clever Bird was pleased that it was Furry Mama walking past this hedge this morning and not Grotty Groom on Wessles!

He's a funny horse though! Yesterday, Grotty rode out with a friend for a little hack around a hay field (as it was already boiling). On Sunday, Grotty and Calum and another friend, rode around the same hay field and the newly cut grass was being turned by a machine like the one below that Furry Mama and Minty saw this morning.

Wessles was the lead horse. The machine was literally a few feet away and heading towards him. Wessles did not bash an eyelash. Yesterday on the other hand! Wessles was lead horse (again, yep he and Grotty are feeling confident); the machine was parked next to the track - Wessles decided it must be going to attack him!!!!!! Like Clever Bird - for a clever horse, sometimes he has no sense!

So far so go-go for Baggy today..........