Tuesday 7 June 2016

Baggy is back!

Baggy is so sorry for vanishing again bloggees! This time it was not her choice. Once again t'internet has not been working. This is the first time that Clara has managed to open her blog since she last posted days ago! It is only working now because Baggy is sitting in the summerhouse with the wifi dongle by her side. Calum suggested trying it down here and it does seem to be working a bit better. Two problems with this plan though: Baggy can't see the screen and is melting! Yep melting! Winter left. Summer arrived. In the last blog Clever Bird had put the heating back on and had a fire going, now it is in the twenties. Crazy weather. So Freda Fretter would like to apologise for any typos in this blog, she can't read it!

So what news? Well, the biggest bit of news is that Hairy Biker Hen is back in the gang! Oh yep! While Grotty Groom was at the yard last weekend, one of the "husbands" turned up on a brand new 125cc Lambretta-style of scooter. Baggy fell in love with it and explained that Hairy Biker Hen was not feeling the love for her Kawasaki 650cc ERn! When she got home, Hormonal Hannah made Hairy Hen feel so guilty about dissing her motor bike that she uncovered him. The poor sausage was dirty and had a mouldy seat from sitting outdoors since last August when she last rode him. Calum kindly offered to take him for a bath - any excuse to go for a whizz on Baggy's bike! She's had the bike for over two-and-a-half years and it only has 500 miles on the clock (quite a few put on by Calum!). She has never really "got" the biker bug. But the bike came back looking all sparkly and Hairy fell back in love with him. The bike knew this and finally told Psychic Ploppo that his name is Kevin. So feeling inspired, on Sunday Hairy rode him to the yard to take Grotty Groom to ride the Wessles. Hairy mucked up the gears like it was going out of fashion. She must have put Kevin into neutral about five times, but on the way home, she finally began to "get it". The wind in Baggy's spinning ponytail was something to behold! Baggy nearly had a nervous breakdown when two racing bikes suddenly roared past her (Lord knows how fast they were going), but Hairy enjoyed it. Interestingly, Baggy's right arm (the newly operated one) was fine - it was her left one that gave her jip. Her stomach was okay too, it was her back that was very painful, but then Grotty did also ride Wesley in between Hairy's rides, so all-in-all it went well.

As for Baggy's recovery, well physically she is pretty much there. Well kind of there anyway. She still has probably about twenty-percent of her previous stomach strength, so Calum still won't let Grotty take Baggy back to looking after the Boys. But mentally, she is a bit of a mess. Clever Bird is fairly sure that this is thanks to Hormonal Hannah and the major anxiety she is causing Baggy, but she will find out more next week when Baggy speaks to a counsellor for a phone assessment. You never know bloggees, he may actually decide that Baggy is normal and needs no help! Please do not laugh! Just rude bloggees, RUDE! Just as well Baggy loves you all.........

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