Sunday 17 January 2016

Day 69 - Baggy lives!

So sorry for vanishing lovely bloggees, but normal services are now (pretty much) resumed in Baggy-land. Last Tuesday Baggy had a bit of a meltdown (actually it was a total one, if she's being honest). For a while there Freda Fretter actually wondered whether she was having a breakdown. But thankfully not. Clever Bird realises that it was probably long overdue. In the last few days Baggy has run the gamut of emotions, from incredible "hurt" to a blinding anger that she didn't even know she was capable of. But during it all she actually grieved. Not for her stepmother who died on December 30th 2015. Although her death and organising her funeral (which still is ten days away) caused the meltdown. No, she finally grieved for her father who died on Father's Day three years ago. Without going into the very traumatic details, suffice to say that now Baggy's stepmother is finally at peace, Baggy could grieve for her Dad.

Every day during this last few days, Furry Mama has taken Minty Mutt on long walks. Every day during this last few days, robins have followed her for different parts of these walks. Every day during this last few days, Psychic Ploppo has therefore been very aware of her Dad's and even more so, her real Mama's presence with her. (Baggy's Mama died nearly eleven years ago). By the third day, Baggy felt really numb. Then later on, while Furry Mama walked Mint on what was an absolutely glorious cold, snowy winter's day, Baggy realised how good it was to be alive. She wandered along talking out loud, to herself, Minty, her deceased parents, God, who knows? Two robins were alternating flying around her. Then a perfect rainbow appeared on the other side of the field that Furry Mama was walking round and Baggy suddenly realised that she was at peace. For the first time since her beloved Dad died, she was truly at peace.

That night Psychic Plop decided to get her divining crystal out. She has never used this one before. She usually uses an amethyst. But this one asked to be used. It was very powerful. She had a bit of a chat with her Spirit Guide about it, then she asked him her key questions. Baggy's stepmother was at peace. Baggy's Dad was at peace. Baggy's Mama was not. The crystal can only help the Spirit Guide to answer "yes" or "no", so trying to ascertain why Baggy's Mama was not at peace took a bit of doing. Then it suddenly occurred to Clever Bird that Mama was worried sick about the state that Baggy had been in. Clever Bird knows that neither her Dad or Stepmother are ever likely to "visit" Psychic Ploppo, whereas her Mama has always done so when Baggy has been particularly upset by something. She was around quite a lot when Baggy was in hospital having her Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst surgery. So it made total sense that it was Baggy's Mama who was there for Baggy when she had her meltdown. It took a couple of days but Baggy finally convinced her Mama that she truly was okay.


Having done so, the sense of relief was overwhelming. Baggy was able to think clearly once again. Her husband Calum was, as always, there for Baggy. It is always harder on her though when he's away in his lorry, as he was during these last few days.(Although Baggy did go and sit in his lorry and bawl her eyes out while he was having a break at his yard on "meltdown day"). But when he got home on Friday, he came home to a much more relaxed wife. Some of the stuff that he's been saying to her for a while now, (but had his head taken off for his troubles by Hormonal Hannah), suddenly made a whole load of sense to Baggy. That was when she truly realised that she had never recovered from her Dad's sudden death.

So today, Furry Mama took Minty Mutt on a really really long walk. His choice of route completely. Admittedly Baggy's stomach and arm hurt quite a lot, but Clever Bird knows that that is the after effects of Baggy's "banana" fall in the car park. Plus the effect of the cold getting to her. But now she is home with the fire blazing. Creative Clara is blogging whilst watching some sci-fi movie on the telly. Calum is off in his lorry again, even though it's Sunday, looking after his family. Baggy is one very lucky woman. She's glad to be back bloggees. Now she just needs to persuade The Domestic Goddess to vacuum that filthy rug...........

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