Sunday 24 January 2016

Day 76 - Baggy mustn't wish her life away.

Sunday. Again. Where did the last week go? At least once next Sunday comes, Baggy's life might feel as though it's getting back on track. Freda Fretter is really not looking forward to the funeral on Tuesday. Chances are bloggees, that Baggy might disappear on you for a day or two again this week. Hopefully she won't have another meltdown, but there's no guarantee. Baggy is a pretty strong bird really, but she's not finding the memories that her stepmother's death has brought up, very easy ones to deal with. Being at home in her little nest with the furries, makes it much easier to stay on an even keel. It's worrying that she's slightly gone into one of her "recluse" modes. She doesn't want to leave the house. The Domestic Goddess is raiding the freezer. Grotty Groom won't go out to see her boys. Today, even Furry Mama doesn't feel like taking the Minty Mutt out. Mind you, it is grey, cold and very damp. So Baggy wishes that it was next Sunday. But as Clever Bird says, "Life is too short and too precious to waste", so Baggy should not wish her life away. So today Baggy will slob about a bit. Tomorrow, she will get through. Tuesday will go. Hopefully, easily and smoothly. Then Baggy will start to get the gang back on track. Calum is off to work shortly, so Clever Bird can watch as much inane telly as she likes (without guilt). That will take Baggy's mind off things. See, she's feeling better already.

Other news from Baggy Land. In the middle of the night, when Baggy had to get up to go to the bathroom, as is her way now, she switched the kitchen light on, before walking across it to the bathroom. This is to check that the route is clear of house-invading slugs. Pesky things! It was clear. So she turned the light back off and tottered across the short distance in her bare feet. (Yes, bloggees, that is a very good question. Baggy has no idea why Clever Bird turns the light straight back off, instead of leaving it on so that she can actually see where she is going. Something to do with Freda Fretter not liking to waste electricity. Or Furry Mama not wishing to disturb the mutt. Anyway, turn it straight back off, she always does). Baggy then feels her way to the bathroom, (this went without incident; no slugs), before switching the bathroom light on.  She almost immediately leapt a foot in the air as her foot stood on something cold and wet. A slug! Noooooooooooooooo! They don't usually go in the bathroom and this blooming one was on a bath mat.  That is not on slug, just NOT on...........


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