Tuesday 19 January 2016

Day 71 - Clever Bird is on form as usual.

Baggy was doing so well on the Slimming World plan before she found Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst. She had managed to lose two-and-a-half stone. Since Lawrence made his presence felt (literally) last September, she hasn't done quite as well. She was still vaguely following the healthy eating plan, but struggling. Plus of course, Grotty Groom couldn't look after the Boys, so Baggy was suddenly doing over three hours a day less physical exercise. Etc, etc. Excuses, excuses. However since Baggy's surgery for Lawrence and Baggy's arm, things have gone a tad more pear-shaped. Then when Baggy's stepmother died, that was it. Baggy has been comfort eating. Consequently she has put over half-a-stone back on. Freda Fretter doesn't want Baggy to pile it all back on again. The intention was for Baggy to restart her healthy eating last Friday. Well that failed!

Yesterday she managed to stay totally on plan for the first day. Just. Baggy struggled. So she decided to chivvy The Domestic Goddess up. She required The Goddess to make her some Butternut Squash soup. Simple enough really. Bit of a faff for The Goddess. All went well with the chopping and simmering. Except it simmered for ten minutes longer than it should have because Creative Clara got side-tracked on Facebook. Not a disaster though. Then it had to go in the food processor to turn it from a vegetable stew into a soup. The Goddess set the processor up. She looked in the top of it. The pressy-down bit wasn't in the hole. So there was just a hole. Disaster waiting to happen. Soup straight out of the hole up onto the ceiling. She searched the bowl that all the spare blades etc. live in. It wasn't in there. Searched the table. Nope. Searched the bowl again. Nope. Checked the floor. Nope. Moved the Minty Mutt's toys and bed from under the table; searched. Nope. Checked the cupboards. Nope. Searched the bowl again. Nope. Clever Bird called her husband. "You know when you made me soup when I was poorly, do you remember what you did with the pressy-down bit?" "It's in the hole." "No, it isn't". Dog's bed moved once again. Nope. Clever Bird wondered if she could use cling film. She started to put some on. The pressy-down bit moved in the hole!!!!! Oh well done Clever Bird. Stupid woman.

The Goddess poured the "stew" into the processor. Switched it on. Lots of noise. Lots of spinning. No mushing of the stew at all. Really? After all that, the blooming thing is broken! Swearing quietly to herself, The Goddess tipped the stew back out and into the pan, while trying to work out a way of mushing it up to turn it into soup. Just as she was about to give up and bin it, The Goddess noticed that Clever Bird had not put a blade of any description in the processor. Sometimes, just sometimes Clever Bird..............

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