Saturday 7 May 2016

Baggy had to kiss a lot of princes to find her toad!

Firstly, apologies for the lack of blog yesterday bloggees, but Baggy was way too busy for Creative Clara to get a look in! She was up at 7.30am (yes, quite - unheard of, but she really was), and Furry Mama was walking the Minty Mutt by 8.00am. She then shot off to Fat Club, with a serious amount of trepidation, but it was fine; amazingly. Then she shot back home again and played with Minty Mutt for a while before heading off to her reunion with her four best friends from school. The reunion was at Ali's house and despite the fact that she lives only thirty minutes drive away, the last time Baggy saw her was about nine years ago! Baggy last saw Rosie and Sue, maybe eleven or twelve years ago! Hilary, she has seen recently, having got back in touch with her last year, so it took a few moments for Clever Bird to "recognise" her school friends, but only a few moments. Really good friends, like these girls are to Baggy, have so much history together (seven years of secondary school), that they soon were reminiscing and filling in the gaps of the missing "adult" years.

After home-made soup and yes, home-made cake, they then went for a "short" walk. Three and a half hours later, having walked through Constable country to Dedham Mill (where Clever Bird suddenly remembered that Baggy and Sue had competed in a canoe-slalom competition forty years ago!), they arrived "home" again. Baggy struggled a little after her physio. on Thursday, combined with the fact that all the others knew they were going for a "little" walk and had hiking boots on, Baggy was wearing hippy sandals. After photo viewing (through the ages - literally), and assisting with supper preparation (a vegetarian feast), the Prosecco appeared, Baggy declined as she had to go home. The others moaned, "No, stay". Baggy phoned Calum to see what time he would get home, realised that Minty would be fine, asked if he minded if she stayed. Course he didn't. He even offered to drive over once he got home, with stuff for her to sleep in etc, but Hormonal Hannah didn't want to put him out, so she told him not to worry. Prosecco consumed. White wine opened. And consumed. More white wine opened and consumed. The meal was just going on the table when Calum called asking where Baggy was. She told him. He was already only about a hundred yards away, with all her night stuff. Bless him. Baggy was by now sozzled. "You didn't bring any wine did you?" "Urm, no, I could go and get some". But the village shop was closed by then, so Baggy waved him off. They had sat down to eat the delicious dinner, when Calum appeared in the room (nearly gave everyone a heart attack), clutching three bottles of white wine and a large box of chocolates. They was so much yacking and laughing going on, no one had heard the doorbell, knocking or yelling. Bless him. Baggy had to kiss a lot of princes to find her toad, but she got there in the end!

The vegetarian dishes were really lovely and healthy, although a couple were a little spicy for Baggy who doesn't normally consume jalapenos. Baggy loved the black beans that she had never tried before. Puddings (yes plural) and more white wine were consumed. More yacking. Music selected. More wine consumed. It was 1.00am. Bed time. At 3.30am Baggy discovered that although she had loved the black beans, they had not loved her back. Baggy blimp lived once more! An hour later, she was doing noisy impersonations of Mount Vesuvius in full explosion mode. Clever Bird knew that it was the black beans fighting back when she spotted a couple of the pesky blighters simming about in the cistern!!!! Yuck! Not much sleep was achieved, so at 7.30am she gave in and got up. More yacking and laughing over what could have been a really healthy breakfast, but how on earth was Baggy going to resist home-made American pancakes? Then Baggy headed home to the furries.

Minty Mutt nearly flattened her he was so excited to see her. It is after all unusual for Calum to get home and Furry Mama not to reappear. Grotty Groom then persuaded Baggy to ignore her hangover and go and see the Boys. It has been so hot here today, more like summer than spring, grooming was hard work, but the horses loved it. Calum and Baggy went for a little hack and then into the school. Grotty struggled big time! Clever Bird is now very conscious of how badly Baggy is affecting Wesley, so she is making Grotty build the work up VERY slowly. Wessles was once again a total poppet. Gloria Gardener has watered everything. Creative Clara is blogging. Calum has headed off on his motorbike to get a tattoo. Hairy Biker Hen is wondering whether to persuade Baggy to get her motorbike out tomorrow, to ride to the yard, for Grotty to ride again. Clever Bird thinks that Hairy Biker Hen might have to wait a while...........

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