Wednesday 11 May 2016

Grotty is trying to get Baggy fit.

Grotty Groom persuaded Baggy to muster up the energy to go and see the Boys. There is nothing like knowing that you have an "end point" to aim at, to create a bit of urgency. The 24th July will be upon Baggy before she knows what's happened if she doesn't get Grotty riding. So once again Grotty took Wesley into the indoor school. All the poles and jump ends were still in there, but had been totally rearranged, so Grotty could get Wesley to chicane round jump ends, as well as go over poles. The rain had stopped before they went in today, so it didn't sound anywhere near as scary. Wesley was totally chilled; so chilled in fact that after a while Grotty decided to risk a bit of trotting.

Now it's not Hormonal Hannah talking, when Creative Clara explains that this was, well, just totally terrible! Clever Bird is pretty sure that because Baggy has absolutely no core strength, she therefore can't keep her position, so is tensing up. Wessles then, either tenses up himself, or is in pain (not sure which), but he arches his back and sticks his nose in the air until Grotty resumes walk. So they walked again. Then as Baggy's back was beginning to hurt, Grotty decided to let Wesley stretch. He always does things to the extreme and started walking round, pushing his nose in the sand! So Grotty decided to see whether she could steer him with no reins (just her bottom). She did! Clever Bird had forgotten just how responsive the Boy is - he was totally over-reacting, turning-on-a-sixpence in fact, so Grotty reduced her movements. Managed the chicane with no reins. But no core strength equals no leg strength either, so the circles were more ovals, but Wesley did everything he was asked. Grotty just wasn't getting what she wanted - because she wasn't asking properly. It was an interesting reminder of what a well-schooled horse Wesley is, but if he is not ridden correctly, he lets the rider know!

Having received this reminder, Grotty decided to trot him once more, with no rein contact whatsoever - he trotted like a diamond! Clearly her stress was being transported down the reins. Confidence built up, Grotty decided to walk the lad around the yard. She set off down the car park, Wesley started to stress that he was going for a hack on his own. Grotty turned him back up the yard. You could hear the sigh of relief. Grotty rode him up to the lorry park, Wesley started to worry again, especially when Joey started calling to him, but mission accomplished, she turned him round to head back to the indoor school. Wessles then did a Wessles, Grotty was suddenly hurtling through the lorry park in a fast canter - a sparrow probably gave him a funny look - but Grotty asked him calmly to stop, and he did. She wasn't worried and she wasn't unseated at all.

All in all, she thought that she was riding for about fifteen minutes again, but actually it was over thirty and she loved every second of it. Yee-hah..............

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