Monday 16 May 2016

Hormonal Hannah and computers are NOT a good combination!

Clever Bird has been meaning to say for quite a while now (but Hormonal Hannah keeps making her forget), that she would like to apologise to any bloggees who have posted a comment on this blog and not had a response from Baggy! It's not that Baggy hasn't tried to respond - she has on numerous occasions - but she can't. No idea why, it used to work perfectly, but Baggy is now no longer able to post comments on her own blog. So, apologies. Clever Bird suspects that bloggees probably can't comment either, which is a bit of a shame, as Baggy would love to hear from you, but despite talking to the help lot, it still doesn't work. Sorry! Very annoying, but whether Clever Bird switches her cookies on or off, she can't get it sorted.

Mind you, it's nowhere near as maddening as Baggy's bank. She tried to make a payment online, it advised her to download some more software for security reasons, so she did. It then told her to enter the four-digit code from the card reader, after having inserted her card in it. What blooming card reader? Baggy has never been sent one. So she decided to phone and ask - yes right, fat chance. There is no phone number on the entire website. It's a miracle that Baggy's laptop lived to tell the tale, as let's just say that Hormonal Hannah was getting a little irate! At one point she typed into the "contact us" search box, "Just give me your f***ing phone number". No they didn't. She gave up. When is the world going to accept that not everything can be done on-line? Especially when your internet connection runs at baby-snail pace. Cheque in the post it is then. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Grotty Groom did get to hack once again today though, so that calmed Baggy beautifully. Creative Clara has to be honest, Freda Fretter wasn't a hundred percent certain how it would go, as Wesley has not ridden out with any other horse than Joey since last September. As you will realise by now, Wesley can be a numpty. On previous occasions when this situation had arisen, Wesley has pranced and whinnied pretty much through the entire ride and that was with horses that he'd ridden out with previously. Today's hack was with a horse he hasn't even met before. But, as he's been doing since Baggy's surgeries, he looked after her beautifully. They just walked, but both horses were perfectly chilled out. Good lads. Grotty will be doing the same again tomorrow, but on a longer route.......

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