Sunday 22 May 2016

Grotty has been riding a Thelwell pony today.

Today has been a good day! Calum had to pick up his new glasses, so after Furry Mama had walked the Minty Mutt, Baggy and Cal drove into Sudbury. Picked up his glasses. Bought Baggy some rather nice sunglasses that will stay on her head when Grotty Groom is being tossed about by The Boy Wessles! Cal's insistence, to stop Baggy's cataract getting bad too quickly. Quick cappuccino and snack before heading to the yard. Grotty hasn't seen the Boys since Tuesday, so was very keen to get there. There was a dressage competition, so there was lots going on. The Boys are used to it now, and take it in their stride pretty much, which is fantastic! To the point where instead of taking the easy option and riding out of the yard, away from all the action, Grotty and Calum chose to ride through it. As Calum had decided that today the camera could go on Grotty's hat instead of his, Clever Bird would like to apologise a) for Baggy's wittering-on (constant reassurance to Wesley and making sure that by speaking she is breathing) and b) Baggy's constant looking everywhere - but you get the gist! Of all the horse-eating things to worry about, the pram was of course by far the most scary for Wesley!

Once through everything and on the fields, the views are beautiful, but the flies were pretty horrendous today, so Wesley did a lot of headshaking as Joey pootled along. Mind you it was Joey being the spooky one! Two quite big spooks - the second one, being at a horse in the paddock, letting off wind! Mind you Clever Bird thinks the horse scared itself too, the way it hurtled round the paddock afterwards.

Wesley just did an impersonation of a Thelwell pony for much of the ride. Grotty regularly found herself heading straight at a delicious bush or tree! Anyone would think that he was starving! Grotty spent a lot of the time trying to get his head out of the nearest plant, or up out of the grass! Just as well she adores the little monkey.

But considering how little work they've been doing they were both beautiful to ride and they seemed to enjoy being out. It's just a shame that the ground is already like concrete and uneven with it, so most of the ride was at a walk. Grotty will get Wessles into the school this week and try to get Baggy a bit fitter by schooling, rather than pootling!

The Domestic Goddess has rustled up supper, now it's flop time. Yep, a really lovely Sunday........

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