Thursday 21 July 2016

Confident Grotty Groom equals an extremely happy Baggy.

It didn't occur to Clever Bird when she booked a nice, relaxing massage for Baggy yesterday, that today Baggy's not-quite-as-lumpy-as-they-were-before-the-massage-shoulders, would be really rather, (how can Clara put this nicely?) "tender". In fact they flipping hurt! In a good way you understand bloggees, they are at least no longer attached to Baggy's ears, but where the lovely girl worked her magic on Baggy's lumps, they are rather sore. Grotty Groom was a little concerned about this fact, as today she had her rescheduled lesson - she wasn't convinced that Baggy would be up to it. But Grotty will no longer be swayed by Freda Fretter and Hormonal Hannah talking her out of riding Wessles. The Boy is going like a dream and Grotty is feeling surprisingly confident on him. (Probably why he's going like a dream frankly - he and Grotty are so in tune that if any of the rest of the gang knock Grotty's confidence, Wesley tends to worry too. A vicious circle as you can imagine).

But today it was once again hot and humid (although nowhere near as hot as Tuesday) and Baggy was in pain. With Baggy's new attitude - "face those fears and keep busy" - Grotty groomed Wessles and tacked him up. Clever Bird decided to remove a couple more of Wesley's (but really) Baggy's "safety" blankets, and ride with no face net or rhythm beads. The face net isn't really necessary in the manege as the flies seem to stay away in there, and Wesley can see better (and is therefore less spooky) without it. The bells on the beads soothe Baggy and Wesley, but probably wouldn't go down well in a dressage competition! So, two less "safety" items. Then she decided to push her luck and ride without her air-jacket. This would be the first time of riding Wesley without it, since she bought it four years ago. Baggy always gets very nervous when Grotty is having a lesson. Fair enough really, as the purpose of a lesson is to push Grotty out of her comfort zone, but today as she walked Wesley to the manege, she was really nervous. She told her trainer that she was "being brave" and riding without it. "Why?" asked Vicki-May, who is more than aware how "quirky" Wesley can be, "I always ride in mine". "Not sure really", replied Baggy, "especially as driving here, Psychic Ploppo "saw" her Facebook status for today, 'Rode Wesley without my air jacket for the first time since I got it four years ago - fell off Wesley for the first time in four years', maybe I'm being silly". Clever Bird took Baggy back to the stables and got Grotty to put on her air-jacket. Baggy's heart rate immediately went back to vaguely normal.

The lesson was exhausting in the heat, but a roaring success! Wesley didn't just go like a dressage diva in walk and trot, he went like one in canter as well - by no means perfect, but pretty good. Baggy had a stupid grin on her bright red sweaty face, and Wesley was loving the work. He got quite excited and started anticipating Grotty, as they cantered around poles. In his excitement he did get quite fast and strong so Grotty increased the size of his circle as Freda Fretter had flashbacks of Baggy hitting the arena gate, only for Grotty to realise that she had turned him towards a jump! A jump that was about 3' 9" high and they were heading towards it from the wrong side! Grotty could feel Wessles' excitement! Baggy panicked and made Grotty focus. Wesley returned to trot. Disaster avoided! Although Wesley hasn't jumped for years, he loves jumping and could probably have cleared it quite easily - Baggy on the other hand........

But Grotty was absolutely delighted with Wessles and Baggy, who had a ridiculously large grin on her face at the end of the hour. It all bodes well for their holiday/training course at Ashen Equestrian Centre next week. That horse is just the best therapy ever for Baggy. He certainly is a "special" horse.............

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