Thursday 7 July 2016

Deep breathing is helping Baggy head off the black fug already.

Clever Bird is counting today as Day 1 of her "Road to Mental Health Recovery". Stating the obvious, anxiety and depression are quite debilitating and if left to run rampant, start to take over your life. This is exactly what was beginning to happen to Baggy. The stress that they were (are) causing her, was dominating most of what she did, resulting in her having so little self-confidence, that she had actually squashed most of the gang into submission. Grotty Groom couldn't persuade her to go and see the horses unless Calum was with her and even then she sometimes failed. Even Furry Mama was being talked out of walking Minty Mutt. Baggy didn't even want to go out to meet friends (although if she did, she was always fine once she got there). But it was becoming a downward spiral very quickly. Truthfully, Creative Clara played down how Baggy was feeling in this blog! Double or treble, what she actually said she was feeling and that might be getting closer to the reality. The fact that various friends and bloggees suggested that perhaps Baggy needed some help, based on her having played everything down, made Clever Bird realise that she really, really did need to get help. So thank you bloggees for your support. Although yesterday was seriously tough on Baggy, it has already helped her!

Admittedly, she did have a lie-in, but she was drained from yesterday. Once up, she took Minty for a nice walk, then had brunch in her woman cave.

While watching Minty Mutt chilling and admiring Gloria Gardener's little pot garden that is beginning to flower rather nicely.

As she sat there, enjoying the view and the sunshine, she did some deep breathing exercises and disconnected her shoulders from the base of her earlobes! Then she took Grotty to the yard for her second riding lesson of the week. Some things don't change though, Hormonal Hannah made Creative Clara forget her camera and then forgot to take photos on her phone. But that aside, the lesson was another roaring success. Wessles did argue rather a lot to start with. He tried various techniques to avoid having to do any real work, including pulling so hard on the reins that at one point both Grotty (who was riding) and her trainer (who was watching), thought that he was lame. She hopped on him to check; he wasn't lame as such, he was "bridle-lame" from leaning so much on the bit. She got him going correctly and Baggy hopped back on. Grotty soon remembered how to ride!!!! Wesley went beautifully; full dressage diva mode once again. It was wonderful and Baggy felt great (if absolutely melting from the heat and exhausted from the work) and the hour went in ten minutes (if you see what Clever Bird means). Baggy has been grinning ever since. Wessles was too tired to grin, Bless him.

When she got home, Baggy couldn't get through the front door as Minty Mutt threw himself at Furry Mama, then shot outside to bring her his ball. She went outside and played with him for a while, before sitting once more in her woman cave, where she was instantly joined by Hinge and Bracket purring their little heads off. Baggy enjoyed the moment and reminded herself, just how lucky she is, as she did a bit more deep breathing. The Domestic Goddess has just rustled up a delicious supper and Baggy is feeling really positive. Today is the first day that she hasn't been in tears at least once by this time, for the first time in weeks...........

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