Sunday 24 July 2016

So far, so good.

Clever Bird had everyone packed and ready to go over an hour before the horses' transport was due to arrive. Calum and Baggy went and had tea. Freda Fretter started to panic Grotty Groom, that Wesley wouldn't load. The transport turned up. Grotty put Wesley's boots on, then left Calum and the transport lady to it, so as not to freak out Wesley. After a mini-objection, five minutes later both Boys were loaded. They got off the lorry after an hour's drive looking as though they'd been in a sauna. Both of them were a little wired and wondering where they were. Grotty and Calum gave them both a cold shower and turned them out. Wesley spooked at the terrifying coloured Shetland pony. Baggy spooked at the gliders that were being launched just behind the Equestrian Centre!

Grotty and Calum unpacked enough things for a permanent (not a three-day) stay. Then they collected the horses and took them into the manege to prepare them a little bit for tomorrow. There are mirrors all the way around it. Wesley wasn't too bothered and Grotty was proud of him. At one point he went over and kissed his reflection. Joey wasn't quite as sure about the other horse who was looking at him. Then he obviously decided that it was an extremely attractive horse and showed how much he appreciated "it", as only the male of the species can! Really, Baggy didn't know where to look. He proceeded to march around in this "excited" state, so Grotty took Wessles to the other end of the manege. When they returned to Joey, Calum was leaning on the fence with his foot in the air. "Are you okay?" asked Baggy stupidly. "I would be if Joey hadn't just jumped on my foot. He spooked at the glass reflection in the viewing hut". Oooops.

Grotty and Calum then took the Boys into the stables for their suppers and went and had a cup of tea themselves. They chucked some hay out in the paddocks and turned them back out for the night, as gliders continued to launch overhead. Both Boys were not even vaguely bothered as they munched their hay. By this time it was six, and as they have packing to do, stopped for pizza and wine on the way home (well they are on holidays!) Blog done. Now off to pack, before an early night. Mind you Hormonal Hannah has got Baggy so stressed about Grotty's lesson at 10.00am tomorrow that it will be a miracle if she can sleep. She also had her in such a spin, that despite taking her camera, Creative Clara didn't take one single photo. Hopeless.

Hopefully she will have the energy and time to blog in the next three days, but if she doesn't, panic not bloggees, she will update you on their adventures after the event........

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