Tuesday 12 July 2016

Feeling chuffed.

In her new positive, get-up-and-go frame of mind, Baggy got up early and Furry Mama took Minty out for a good walk. Quick bacon and egg butty rustled up by The Domestic Goddess to fuel Baggy so that Grotty Groom had some energy, then off to the yard. As Baggy walked towards the stable Clever Bird realised that there was no sign of Wessles, so he was almost certainly asleep. He was, Bless him.

Grotty decided to leave him to it while she got his tack and her riding boots etc organised. The moment he realised that she wasn't going to get him up, he relaxed totally!

So as Clever Bird had got Grotty there early, Baggy decided to leave him and go for a cup of tea. By the time she reappeared he was up. Grotty groomed him, tacked him up and tried to convince him that he wanted a lesson. Just as she was mounting, it started to rain. Then promptly stopped again, but very kindly, stayed clouded over. Vicki-May, Grotty's lovely trainer, decided that today Grotty and Wesley were going to work from the get-go! Wesley immediately went into dressage diva mode again. Hormonal Hannah worried about Grotty's new boots again, having not ridden "properly" in them before, but Clever Bird soon realised how supportive they are and Hannah vanished. Wesley was going so nicely, that Creative Clara remembered to ask her friend Sarah to do a bit of videoing. She did a grand job.

Hormonal Hannah had Grotty forgetting what she was meant to be doing almost as soon as Vicki-May had told her. Grotty had also forgotten just how "long" a horse is, so there were a few moments of Wesley wondering what the heck he was supposed to be doing! But she was so proud of the Boy. He is such a willing little horse and once Grotty had sorted Hannah and Clever Bird out, he went incredibly for her. He got quite excited and a bit over-keen at times, but that's because he loves his work and is enjoying being challenged again for the first time in over four years. As is Grotty, as pushing Baggy out of her comfort zone is doing her good.

By the end of the hour, both Baggy and Wesley were absolutely exhausted and Grotty had gone from having to constantly half-halt Wessles, to having to encourage him to keep going, but three hours later, they both have large silly grins on their faces as they feel so chuffed, a whole three minutes of "proper" work. Sorry for having to share the video in three parts bloggees, but it was too big a file to upload in one go, but Grotty wanted to share it on here as it cheered Baggy up so much......


Within seconds of returning to the stable after the lesson, the temperature dropped and the Heavens opened; it poured down! Baggy felt Blessed........

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