Thursday 18 February 2016

Day 101 - Blooming fat cat.

The Hinge has decided to un-housetrain herself. Apparently it is perfectly okay to "go" wherever she feels like, as long as it's not in the litter tray. Furry Mama can understand this when the litter tray is, what shall we say, smelly? But it isn't. It's clean. In fact it's even got special soft paper litter in it. Clever Bird wondered if the other stuff was hurting the "low slung" one's feet as she is so heavy, so she swapped onto this stuff. See, she does try. But apparently paper litter is not "right" either. The Hinge would rather find somewhere else to go. Not outside of course. No. Inside. Just not in the litter tray. So now Clever Bird has to keep an eye open for suspiciously rolled-over mats. Tread on one at your peril Baggy. It is likely to contain something warm and distinctly smelly. Yuck.

The only saving grace is that Hinge seems to have decided that the best place to go is on one of the mats in the bathroom. Like the rest of the house there is a selection. Five in fact. Without them, the tiled floor is like ice. But they are bath mats. So at least they are easily washed. Two of them have just been put into the washing machine. So annoying. But as Clever Bird pointed out the main furries "go" in the bathroom. All three minor furries follow them in and watch. Maybe The Hinge thinks that's the place to "go". Perhaps Furry Mama should move the litter tray in there. Or better still train Hinge to use the loo. Now that would be a sight. But how can Furry Mama possibly get cross with that face?..........

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