Wednesday 3 February 2016

Day 86 - Feeling blue.

Is it any wonder that the favourite topic of conversation for us Brits is the weather? Yesterday (apart from the wind) it felt like a summer's day. Today, when Furry Mama walked Minty Mutt she thought that Baggy's fingers might actually snap off. They got so cold in her mittens they had gone an interesting shade of blue. Yet she not only walked past fully open daffodils, snowdrops, crocus and primroses, she also saw fully blooming bluebells! Yep, bluebells! Bluebells come out between April and May in the UK. Not in January. Now admittedly Clever Bird has totally lost track of time and gone into some surreal time-warp: Baggy's Mum's funeral seems to have been about two months ago; it was last week. Grotty had let the Boy Wessles run out of his supplements: she thought she reordered just after Christmas; it was three months ago. But still Clever Bird is fairly certain that it's not April yet. Crazy weather. But it's so cold today that The Goddess has lit the fire and the furries are taking full advantage.

But Baggy is also feeling a bit blue about the fact that Creative Clara's series for has so far not taken off. Freda Fretter wasn't too sure about letting Clara go ahead with it, even though it was the owner of channillo who approached Baggy about writing for them. She didn't feel confident. Most people on there are professional (often prize-winning) authors! She felt a tad intimidated. But Clever Bird told her to give it a whirl. So Clara has so far submitted five entries in the "Journals" category. They are about Baggy first discovering Lawrence, the tests, the uncertainty, the waiting. So today she has changed her cover-image to see whether that helps.
Freda Fretter is worried that Baggy is a very acquired taste. But Clever Bird insists that as you lovely Baggy-bloggees have acquired that taste, Creative Clara must be doing something right. If any of you do fancy getting a more in-depth account of Baggy's discovery of Lawrence and what happened next, Baggy would be absolutely delighted. Sorry. Advert over! But Clever Bird really hopes she might see some of you over there as it were...........

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