Monday 22 February 2016

Day 105 - Broken leg!

Grey day. Calum has left for the week. Baggy slept in. Big time. 11.30am. Thirteen hours sleep. What is the matter with her? Again with the teary, low, pathetic feeling. Minty Mutt was having none of it. He didn't get a proper walk yesterday, so he was getting Furry Mama out the second Baggy was dressed. She put lots and lots of layers on. It's so grey Clever Bird assumed it was cold. It wasn't. Minty was on a mission. He decided we were doing the Dormouse Sanctuary walk. A fairly long and muddy choice. He set off at a proper lick. Furry Mama was soon warm. Hormonal Hannah decided to throw in a hot flush. Now she was melting.

Once in the sanctuary Minty Mutt headed off on a sniffing mission. Just as Furry Mama spotted two people. With two dogs. Both on leads. Minty Mutt spotted them too. Was about to shoot off. "Don't you dare! Stay!" called Furry Mama. He froze. Good lad. Furry Mama put the lead back on. Headed off through the sanctuary to Ager Fen - a beautiful nature reserve. But rather a quagmire at the moment. Having hurled himself in the stream, Mint decided that we were going on a new route. Against her better judgement Furry Mama was persuaded to let him. She put him back on his flexi-lead again as she was unsure where the path went and it's a nature reserve. Minty set off. Baggy tried to keep up. She had to keep asking him to wait. The path got very steep very quickly. And muddier. And muddier. It was a strain on Baggy's stomach. But what goes up, must come down. Have you seen the viral video of the fluffy ginger cat towing a lady behind her on snow skis bloggees? Well! No snow, no skis, no cat. But Furry Mama was doing a fairly good impersonation, being towed along by Mint. It got particularly interesting when he decided to dive into another stream. Hmmmm!

It was a very, very long route. It finally arrived back at the entrance back into the dormouse sanctuary. Back up yet another hill. Finally back towards home. (Notice the relief of heading "back" expressed by Creative Clara). Baggy was exhausted. Minty Mutt was still on a mission. But it was such a beautiful walk, that Baggy's spirits had lifted.

It will be even more beautiful when all the bluebells come out in a few weeks time. Stunning area.
As Minty headed off for the last bit of the walk, he stopped at one of his favourite spots to eat some grass. Weird dog. As he set off again, he suddenly lifted his right paw in the air and started licking his leg. As he tried to set off again he yelped and lifted his paw. Furry Mama checked his foot. Nothing in it. He tried again. Hopeless. Limping terribly. Then hopping on three legs. Clever Bird was calculating that they were still about fifteen minutes (normal) walk from home. She was trying to figure out a plan. No way could Baggy carry ten-stone of dog! Mint licked his leg. Furry Mama felt it. No heat. They set off again. This time the limping was less pronounced. Okay, maybe they could get home. Within fifty yards Mint was barely limping at all. Phew!
Clever Bird realises that poor Mint's leg probably broke again. When he was fifteen months old, to fix his (very badly) broken leg they used an external metal ring, with pins through the two broken bones. Where the pins went through, bone now regularly grows between the two bones, joining them together. It shouldn't be there. Every now and again it breaks! It must hurt like heck. But once it has broken it seems to be okay again. Furry Mama knows from last time it happened that there is nothing the vet can do. Mint just needs the anti-inflammatory pain killer (that he is already on now anyway) and to rest it - that might not be so easy. But Furry Mama is very relieved that he now seems to be fine after his extra chewie.........

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