Tuesday 2 February 2016

Day 85 - Normality!

What a great day Baggy has had. Well perhaps it started a little dodgily. She slept really badly. No, worry not bloggees, it wasn't the new mattress, Clever Bird has pointed out that it is the chain-drinking of tea! It needs to stop. Baggy went to bed at 11.30pm, but had to get up five times before 3.00am!!! The rest of the night wasn't too much better. The good news being that the mattress was so comfortable, that Baggy at least fell asleep instantly when she got back on it! Then she overslept. Nothing new there then. It has been a beautiful English sunny winter's day, so Furry Mama took Minty Mutt out. He chose the route - dragged Baggy in the opposite direction from the steep steps! Clever Bird can take a hint so she let him. He took Furry Mama through The Thickets.

Baggy and Creative Clara realised what a wonderful day it was to be alive! If it hadn't been for the very real nip in the air, the sun was so strong that it could have been a summer's day.
Clara loved the shadows. Minty Mutt loved the warm sun on his achy bones. In fact it was so lovely that Furry Mama went further than intended, lost track of time and was late for Baggy's lunch with her dear friend Susan. Only five minutes. But still. Late. Freda Fretter doesn't do late! In fact she's always early. Susan doesn't do late either, so Baggy felt bad. But Susan was just happy to see Baggy. Lovely lunch. Clever Bird persuaded Baggy to stay on her healthy eating plan. She had a pleasant ham salad. But then when Baggy toddled off to order a cappuccino the lemon drizzle cake was literally screaming at her from the counter. Well, seriously, she couldn't ignore it could she? So lemon drizzle cake was ordered. At least Baggy and Susan shared a piece between them. She is trying. No really, she is! In the old days, she'd not only have had a whole piece to herself , she wouldn't have had a salad either.
Then Baggy took Grotty Groom and Susan to go over and see the horses. Grotty used to ride out with Susan all the time, so she wanted to see the Boys too. Wessles was delighted to see them and for once, even Joey seemed pleased. Clever Bird realised that the manege was empty, so she decided to take Wesley for a walk round it. Grotty last handled Wesley months ago, so it was going to go one of only two ways. Either he would be an angel and wander around with Grotty without putting a hoof wrong. Or, he would let Grotty know that she had let him down by "deserting" him and take off around the school.  Baggy's heart rate doubled and started doing its boom, boomedy, booming nonsense as soon as Grotty started to put Wesley's bridle on. Ridiculous. And not helpful as Wessles picks up on nerves instantly. But Grotty was determined. Wesley has not been in the manege for at least six months. He was an angel. Walked with Grotty like a puppy. Sniffed the horse poos. Ate (an already sprouting) branch off a bush on the way past it. Followed her over poles. Spooked at nothing. And didn't even consider taking off. Bless him. It was a lovely ten minutes or so, that Grotty can now build up from.
As Grotty was trying to open the gate into the stable block she asked Wessles to back up a bit. He did. He also dropped his head down to nuzzle Grotty. He put his nose over her shoulder. Baggy's ponytail managed to get caught on the bars on Wesley's fulmar bit! Baggy was stuck with her head under Wesley's chin. A lot of horses would then have lost the plot. Wesley stood totally still until Susan had freed Baggy! Very proud Grotty. Susan headed home to get warm. Grotty decided to introduce Mini-Baggy to Wesley.
It went so well that she insisted on having a bit of a sit on the Boy. Grotty adores that horse. Baggy's life is starting to get back to normal...........



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