Monday 15 February 2016

Day 98 - Wow!

Wow! Almost one hundred days since Baggy got home from her Lawrence-the-durmoid cyst surgery. Over three months. Actually though, Freda Fretter thinks that it seems to be even longer than that. Bizarrely, Baggy's arm operation seems even longer ago. Clever Bird realises that it's because Baggy is feeling guilty that Grotty Groom has still not gone back to work. Baggy does feel that she could manage the heavy duties. She's probably wrong though. It's two-and-a-half months since her arm surgery. Grotty went back to work two month's after her left arm had the same operation. She lasted a week. Then made her arm bad and had to stop again. Then went back and a couple of weeks later after a check-up at hospital, caught pneumonia. So Freda, enough with the fretting. Baggy needs to go back when her arm is not constantly painful. But the guilt! Hormonal Hannah is having a field day. It's so expensive having two horses looked after. Stop it Freda!

But wow! It is so cold today. Winter has decided to arrive. A little late. But with a vengeance. It even snowed for a while last night. It must be cold as Hinge and Bracket are refusing to stay outside for more than a few minutes. Furry Mama put extra layers on this morning to walk the Minty Mutt. But the cold still got in Baggy's bones. And more obviously, her healing muscles. Her arm is particularly painful. But then that operation cut through bone and muscle. So once more with feeling Clever Bird. Baggy is still not strong enough for Grotty to go back to work yet. Particularly as Wesley (as he demonstrated yesterday), is feeling rather well.

The Domestic Goddess has lit the fire. But wow, the house is freezing! Calum and Clever Bird bought the largest fire they could. The intention was that it would warm the whole, very little house. At least that's what the salesman said. Not true. It heats the sitting room beautifully. But heat rises. It rises above the very low seventeenth-century doors and doesn't go through them. So it doesn't spread into the kitchen. Or upstairs. There is no form of heating in either of those areas!!!!!!! Wattle and daub walls are fun too. Put it this way, Archaeologist Annie entirely appreciates why such walls were always covered with hanging tapestries. Now there's a thought. Perhaps it's time to replace the paintings with tapestries, or the modern equivalent. Meanwhile, The Goddess is supposed to be tackling the kitchen. No chance. Way too cold. So Creative Clara is blogging in front of the fire instead.........

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