Saturday 6 February 2016

Day 89 - One of those days when Baggy should have stayed in bed.

Baggy totally overslept. Again. But that wasn't going to stop Furry Mama from taking Minty Mutt out. The number one furry, Calum, refused to put his lead on and come. Furry Mama stepped outside. Clever Bird remembered that she is looking after Jack, the old cat next door. He hasn't left the house in five days. Until last night that is. He insisted on going out. Furry Mama worries constantly when he is out at night. Hinge and Bracket come in as soon as it's getting dark. It is blowing a gale again. So at first Baggy didn't hear the hunt horns, just shouting. The hunt were less than quarter of a mile from the house. Grotty watched them for a while and decided that they had totally lost control of the hounds. Furry Mama shoved Mint back inside (rather than leaving him in the front garden) while she went to check on Jack. Absolutely no sign of the boy. Great. Freda Fretter started to worry. Clever Bird explained that he's probably holed up somewhere high and away from the noise of the hounds.

Furry Mama collected Mint. Clever bird decided that they should head away from the hunt. That meant doing the "wetlands" walk anti-clockwise. Up the steep steps. Mint wasn't keen. He stopped for a poo on the blind bend of the road! Poo bagged and binned. Furry Mama towed Minty to the steps. He struggled to get his poor back end up them. Furry Mama gave him a helping hand by putting her hand under his bottom. Baggy's hand immediately got covered in smelly poo. Yuck! Baggy wiped her hand in the grass. On a stinging nettle. Ouch! Instinctively lifted her hand to her mouth to spit on the sting. Got poo on her chin. Seriously? And breathe. Actually, no don't Baggy, hold your breath! Tried again to wipe her hand in the grass. Why is it dry when you need it to be wet? Okay, live with it.

Furry Mama kept Mint on the lead, just in case the hunt came anywhere near. They couldn't on that walk in theory, but once again there were fresh horse hoof-prints on the footpath (a.k,a. the little grass track by the field). Plus as Clever Bird pointed out, the hounds were out of control. As Furry Mama and Mint headed down the village high street, Grotty Groom realised Clever Bird's error. The hunt were in the middle of the road attempting to get the hounds out of someone's garden! Hmmmm!

Minty Mutt does look rather like a fox. Freda fretted. Creative Clara videoed. Furry Mama held tightly onto Minty Mutt. Minty tried desperately to join the hunt. And breathe (in the faint smell of poo)..........

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