Saturday 19 November 2016

A milestone day for Creative Clara.

Well, this is a day to remember for Baggy! Today her little blog has reached a big milestone. Creative Clara has been tapping away (almost) daily for a little over a year now and she knows that she has a number of loyal bloggees who check in regularly to see what the nutty bird and her gang have been up to. You are all very supportive and she loves you for it. No she doesn't have a huge following. No she isn't offering anything special. She just witters on about what has been happening in her life, on her road to recovery (and beyond) from her Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst surgery. Writing it has helped Hormonal Hannah in particular, quite a lot, and Clara enjoys doing it. Hopefully she may have brightened a few bloggees' days along the way, because your viewings of her ramblings have today reached a grand total of over 20,000, so thank you all very much.

Clara had a second big thing happen today as well, for the first time since she opened her little shop on Etsy, she has had two orders in one day! She is now even more determined to get Clever Bird to expand it so that she has a couple of hundred items on at any one time, rather than just thirty. Once they move to the new house, Clever Bird will be seeking out car boot sales and getting Baggy to take Clara to her first one ever - yep bloggees, Baggy is still a boot sale virgin, which is marginally ridiculous considering what she sells on Realuv.

She is currently writing this blog sitting on the drive of the house. No, really she is. No bloggees, Calum has not lost his temper with Hormonal Hannah and locked her out, Baggy is sitting in Billy Bob Jalopy camper van, plugged into the mains (Billy Bob, not Baggy!), with an electric fan heater running to air him. As the van heating is still not working, he has got a little musty in this cold weather and Calum and Grotty Groom will be sleeping in him for three nights next weekend, when they take Wesley and Joey back to Ashen Equestrian Centre for their holiday, so he needs warming up a bit. Clever Bird is making sure the fan heater is safe (while Calum cooks her steak for supper in the house). Baggy is toastie and happy as Larry (whoever he was) in her little camper. She just said to Calum, "Well, if all else fails, I could happily live in here with you, Minty Mutt and the girls, in a field with the horses"...........

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