Wednesday 9 November 2016

Menopause brain.

Hormonal Hannah's latest antics:

Baggy went to the bank to try to sort out the ever increasing overdraft. Hormonal Hannah made her forget she needed some cash when the nice lady asked whether she needed anything else. She forgot again and had crossed the road and reached her car when she remembered. Baggy went back to the cash point - asked it for £30. It responded, "Sorry this service is temporarily unavailable" and squirted her card out. Oh. Baggy went inside. "Can I help you?" asked another nice lady. "Yes, I just need some cash, but the machine isn't playing". "Oh, I'm sorry. It was working earlier. I'll go and check it, but you can use this one". Baggy put her card in, this one too responded, "Sorry this service is temporarily unavailable" and squirted her card out. Oh. The lady came back in, Baggy told her what had happened. "Perhaps I'll try my card". "Good idea, it might be my card", said Baggy. The lady took her card from Baggy. "Ah, it expired at the end of October. Have you had a new one?" "I think so, but it's not in my purse. I do vaguely remember signing one." Baggy thought about it. Hormonal Hannah started to cringe. "Actually, I also remember cutting up the old one that was sitting on the coffee table and throwing it aw.......... OH!" Hormonal Hannah ran from the bank. "It's okay", said the polite lady to Baggy, "it happens to us all. I'll order you a replacement, replacement-card now". Card ordered, Baggy left the bank. A minute later, she was swearing at Hannah, re-entering the bank to get £30 from the cashier.

Furry Mama walked Minty Mutt. As they toddled through the rain, Creative Clara watched the sheep in the field. One had a little harness on. Clever Bird realised that it was the ram, with his pot of blue dye strapped to his chest to mark the "wives" that he had had his wicked way with. She noticed that quite a few of the ewes had blue marks on their backs. Clever Bird noticed that rather a lot of them had the blue dye at the wrong end as it were - on their head or neck! Poor girls, clearly it was an inexperienced or over enthusiastic ram. Clara thought she might take some photos. Then Clever Bird noticed one ewe lying by the gate with her legs stretched out. Minty Mutt noticed her too and stuck his nose through the gate to sniff her. She didn't move. Freda Fretter started to panic. Furry Mama walked over and felt the ewe. She didn't move and didn't seem to be breathing. Before Baggy could stop her, Furry Mama leant right through to feel her stomach. Nothing. Hormonal Hannah went into a meltdown. The poor girl was either dead, or not far from it. Clever Bird tried to find the landowner, even though she knew that the sheep belonged to someone else, but there was no one at home. Hannah made Furry Mama sob her way round the next ten minutes of their walk - just as well it was raining, to hide her tears.

Grotty Groom took her waterproof, thermal, riding over-trousers to a seamstress a few weeks ago, to have them repaired, after they were made part of a wasp's nest. It cost quite a bit, but they are good trousers. Furry Mama decided to borrow them to walk Minty Mutt as it's so wet today. Furry Mama dug them out of the bag that they were still in, from the seamstress. She put them on and did the zip up. The trousers proceeded to fall over Baggy's hips. Hormonal Hannah giggled nervously. Clever Bird swore at her - Hannah had made Grotty totally forget that the trousers are an "XL" and Baggy is more of an "M" these days. Clever Bird went off and found a belt..........

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