Thursday 21 April 2016

Baggy is definitely not normal.

Baggy is not feeling great, so apologies in advance from the gang! None of them is doing anything particularly interesting to report on (some might say, "nothing new there then", but Clever Bird feels that might be a little harsh), so Clara's blogs might be a little less action packed for a while. Baggy always knew that she was setting herself up with a challenge once her recovery days were over! The original purpose of the blog was always to chart her recovery from her Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst surgery and if in the process it helped someone else, that would be a bonus. Now that she is 98% recovered, her life, is just her life - and very happy she is to be alive to enjoy it - but it rarely makes for interesting blogging. She is not saving lives, or the planet, or climbing mountains, or deep sea diving, she is just getting on with life in sleepy Suffolk. So it occurs to Clever Bird that as one of the MAJOR left-overs from the surgery, is Baggy being joined by the horrible gang member, who is Hormonal Hannah, perhaps she should be a little bit more honest and open about Hannah's sometimes overwhelming influence on Baggy.

Mind you, Freda Fretter is not sure whether Baggy's current state of achy, low feelings, are Hormonal Hannah and her menopause symptoms, or something else. Certainly she is being a b-i-t-c-h at night, the sweats are verging on unbearable, especially when they start with the blood pounding so dramatically through Baggy's veins that her stomach and arm scar feel so painful. Just as well she has a double bed to herself all week because you could wring the sheets out where she lays, so she has to unstick herself and shuffle across to the other half. It probably explains why she wakes up with a headache most mornings - dehydrated. But this week Lawrence has been hurting like heck too; well obviously he hasn't, because he's not there anymore, so either phantom-Lawrence is hurting, or "hole-of Lawrence" is hurting! Either way, Baggy is looking forward to her session with Wesley's physiotherapist and finding out a bit more about what is going on. The physio told Baggy years ago that Baggy had absolutely no core strength! Her stomach muscles were so strong that she used them instead of her core - well that makes sense really, as Clever Bird now realises - it's difficult to build a core strength when you have a 15cm Lawrence in the way! Now Baggy's massively strong muscles have been severed and her insides are trying to work out how to cope with a new hole. It hurts. So it's hardly surprising that although Baggy keeps thinking that she is okay, whenever one of the gang over do it, she is in a considerable amount of pain.

But at least Creative Clara is on a roll at the moment; her novel is coming along nicely. One day in the dim and distant future it might even get finished..........

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