Wednesday 13 April 2016

Baggy is vanishing.

Baggy's diet has once more gone to pot, she tries, then she fails. For instance, last night she had delicious trout fillets with new potatoes and a mahoosive salad, rustled up by The Domestic Goddess. Delicious. An hour later Baggy got the munchies and got Hormonal Hannah involved - really bad idea -  pancakes were made. But it got worse, they were horrible with sweetener so Baggy had sugar. She hopped gingerly onto the scales this morning then hopped rapidly off. When she spoke to Calum on the phone she explained that she had put four pounds on. Calum said, "You can't have", but Clever Bird insisted that she had because she had gone back to an even "stone" marker and was fed up about it. As Furry Mama was playing ball with Minty Mutt, Clever Bird couldn't work out why Baggy's jeans were falling off if she had put quarter-of-a-stone on. So she took Baggy back inside to re-weigh and yes she was on an even "stone" marker, but it was a stone less than she was thinking. Baggy's scales are so old and inaccurate that they indicate that she weighs less than the Slimming World ones, so she was totally confused about her weight, but far from putting four pounds on, she appears to have lost four. Unlikely, but Baggy can but hope, she'll find out on Friday at Fat Club.

Grotty decided to spend some time with her Boys this afternoon. She has two sets of physiotherapy exercises that she is supposed to do on Wesley. She has however realised that Baggy is not physically strong enough herself to do them! Grotty is supposed to pull Wesley's tail - she can do that. Then she is supposed to use a squeezing technique with her fingers under his ribcage to get him to lift his abdominal muscles - no chance. Baggy's abdominals are not strong enough to hold her in place to do the lift in the first place and her arm is too painful to do the lifting. But she'll keep trying.

She decided to lunge the Boy. He didn't put a hoof wrong and was walking, trotting and cantering around her like a hero, looking completely magnificent until she tried to video it, then he just wanted to be with her! Bless him...........

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