Saturday 9 April 2016

Clever Bird is soooooooooooooo excited!

Yesterday when Calum got home from work he dragged Baggy kicking and screaming to the auction house that is just a mile from our house. Baggy wasn't keen because if she falls for something and she can afford it, then she likes to buy it, not to risk paying way more than she intended (she does after all have the will power of a gnat), or worse still, to not be able to buy it at all. But it was viewing day and Cal wanted to view. The place was heaving and trying to see anything at all was not easy. Hormonal Hannah declared that there was a lot of junk (well truthfully there was). The things that Baggy liked were as per normal, the most expensive, plus there is no way they would have fitted in Baggy's little house anyway. There were however two very large matching rugs which were virtually the last Lot of the day. Unusually both Baggy and Calum quite liked them. Their guide price was ridiculously low, much less than one rug of a quarter the size would cost. This morning Calum said, "Right, are we going to the auction then?" "Oh. Are we?" Well as he clearly wanted to go and it's his birthday tomorrow, Baggy decided to be gracious.

It wasn't possible to re-view the rugs as they were underneath the chairs of the people bidding, so they didn't even try. Clever Bird suggested that perhaps they could put in a commission bid on them, then a) they wouldn't get carried away and b) they wouldn't have to hang around until the end of the auction. So that's what they did. Then Calum wanted a look around again. Grrrrrrrr! But it's his birthday, so......... Actually it was quite a good plan, as there were so few people looking it was actually possible to see things. Cal pointed out two little hand-painted eggs signed and dated 1979 and 1980. Someone had put a lot of love into them but they weren't really to Baggy's taste, but there were lots of other bits in the box that were quite fun. When Clever Bird checked the guide, the Lot included everything in the box and in the box next to it. Frankly most of it was junk but there was an awful lot of it. So Clever Bird decided to put a commission bid on it with a plan to start selling on-line, something she's been threatening to do for years. She hasn't so far, mainly because she doesn't want to sell any of her things and because her internet connection is frequently so dubious. But selling a bit of junk for some profit - worth a whirl.

Calum and Baggy headed off to the DIY store to look at multi-purpose, folding ladders. Gloria Gardener bought some more plants for her new pots; next week's task. Petrol bought for the car and the lawnmower. Home via the auction house to check where the bidding had got to - past Baggy's boxes of junk. Clever Bird decided to  ask whether she had got them - she had! For £5 less than she offered. So either she has chucked away £40, or she is about to start making some money as an internet trader. Either way, it was good fun and for her first ever auction it meant that she has got totally over-excited. She didn't even bother going through the boxes properly, so when they come home it will be like opening a Christmas lucky-dip parcel. Clever Bird is so excited - big kid. Now they just have to wait and see whether they have got the rugs too................

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