Tuesday 19 April 2016

Busy, busy, busy.

Busy day again. Minty Mutt is definitely feeling very puppy-like; walks are getting longer and longer. But with weather this glorious Clever Bird can't fault him for that.

The Domestic Goddess is getting a little cheesed off with Furry Mama letting Minty Mutt lie down in the muddiest puddles that he can find though. How she is supposed to keep anything clean in the house when the Mutt comes home like that is beyond her.

But it's Gloria Gardener who is excelling her little self at the moment. Clever Bird decided that it was much too nice for Baggy to stay indoors, so she chivvied Gloria into action. The grass has shot up. Strimming is hard work! But she is actually beginning to vaguely enjoy gardening! It's a bit of a miracle.

Clever Bird is just hoping that between the two of them they have burnt enough calories off Baggy to get rid of the pancakes that she indulged in for the second night in a row. Hopeless woman. Trouble is between Creative Clara's blog, her www.channillo.com series, her novel writing and adding products to Realuv, Baggy now does not have anywhere near enough hours in the day. Freda Fretter is wondering how the heck Baggy is going to manage when Grotty Groom actually starts to look after the horses again. Grotty has once more not been over to see them today - can't face the atmosphere. Yeah bloggees, she did say that she was going to toughen up, but Hormonal Hannah is preventing that, pesky woman. Mind you she has one thing in her favour, she is giving Baggy so many hot flushes at the moment, that Baggy must have lost a pound in weight in liquid.........

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