Friday 1 April 2016

Day 145 - Oh yes!

Fat Club day! Bearing in mind that it's Easter week bloggees. Yes Baggy is making excuses. But actually she was okay. Stayed the same weight. Not bad really all eggs considered. Baggy loves Slimming World. She likes staying for the meetings and seeing her new friends literally disappearing before her eyes. Clever Bird just wishes that she had measured a few more of her baggy bits when she had first joined. Grotty Groom got a big shock last weekend when she rode. Her suede chaps which Baggy used to require major assistance with to do up, (because they were so tight), are now hanging off her. She must have lost at least two inches off each thigh! Clever Bird is proud of her. She still has a way to go, but she'll get there in her own sweet time now. She is light enough for Grotty Groom to ride her darling horse without hurting him and that was the aim. So anymore is just a bonus.

She burnt off a lot of calories when Furry Mama took the Minty Mutt for a brisk walk again after Fat Club. That dog is definitely on a mission at the moment! Baggy was almost trotting at one point to keep up with him. Further calories were burnt off when Grotty took her boy Wessles out for a hack this afternoon with Calum and Joey. Clever Bird is rather surprised how fit he is considering how long it's been since he's been ridden. But she's very happy with how delighted he is to be back in work. A few more hacks to get both him and Grotty muscled up once more and it will be time for Baggy to train Grotty to be a dressage diva. Yee-hah.........

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