Thursday 15 September 2016

Baggy has an angel.

Sorry for going AWOL yesterday bloggees, it was a funny old day. Baggy was once again at Ipswich Hospital. But this time it wasn't for herself, nope it was for her number one furry Calum, who's having investigative tests. They'll be back there again on Saturday for him to have more tests. Truthfully, Clever Bird has no idea what they're actually testing for. In fact she's not sure that Calum knows either, as knowing him as Furry Mama does, she knows that he won't have asked. Freda Fretter would rather not know anyway. If all the tests are okay, then she doesn't need to worry, right? But it's now getting to the stage where Baggy has been to pretty much every single department in the hospital! In fact she probably would have been, had two of her hospital trips not been to other hospitals. Sorry bloggees, but she's joking because Furry Mama is worried about Baggy's husband, but Baggy will be there for him regardless. She did have a conversation with him that perhaps they are wearing out the "in sickness" vow now. His response - "yes, you are". It's true, Baggy is still well ahead! Clever Bird just hopes it stays that way.

So, having comfort-eaten her way through the week, including yesterday having an uncontrollable desire for a well-known burger, (even though ordinarily she really doesn't like them), Clever Bird got Baggy into action today; it is after all Fat Club tomorrow. Furry Mama took Minty Mutt on a long walk, before the heat got too much. The Domestic Goddess went mad cleaning! Then Grotty Groom looked after the Boys for the second time this week. In the heat! Again. She possibly shouldn't have done, as Baggy hadn't recovered from doing them on Tuesday. Although she took it easy on Tuesday, yesterday Baggy's stomach was weirdly swollen and the heat coming off the scar - well, put it this way, if Baggy was a horse, the vet would have been called out! She took it even easier today, but Clever Bird realised that what hurts Baggy is the twisting movements Grotty has to do when sweeping, or filling haynets, or worst of all, filling the water buckets. But in spite of the pain and stomach-grabbing Baggy was doing, Grotty Groom really enjoyed the work.

Poor Wessles is really suffering with this weather though. His head-shaking is terrible. Grotty could see how distressed he was as she walked out to the paddocks. The poor lad was throwing his head around so badly, that Clever Bird wondered whether there might be a fly stuck in his fly mask. He was pacing and bashing his head on his chest. Grotty called to him. As soon as he heard her, he whinnied and trotted, then galloped to the gate. Clever Bird had been going to get Grotty to take Joey in first, but as he was happily munching, she changed her mind. The moment Grotty took his fly mask off, Wesley rubbed his poor painful nose on Baggy - nearly knocking her through the electric fence in the process. Poor sausage. But walking him in was a real challenge. He was in so much discomfort that when he wasn't trying to rub his nose on Baggy, he was tossing his (very large, heavy) head about so much that Baggy had to keep jumping out of the way, so as not to get bruised by his bridle. In the end he snatched a branch off a tree and Grotty decided to let him have it, in the hope that it might distract him a bit. It did. Bless him, the worst things for affecting horses who head shake: pollen, flies, wind, bright light and heat! At the moment he has to contend with all of them. Clever Bird is well aware that it would be better if he was still being turned out at night, rather than during the day, but after Grotty found a plait in his mane, there's no way that Freda Fretter is going to let Grotty risk Wesley being stolen. But she does feel bad for him. Fortunately thunder storms are forecast for tonight, so selfish or not, Baggy is praying that that will be the end of this hot weather. Roll on autumn.

This evening, while munching a healthy supper, Creative Clara was watching an old programme on the telly, "Touched by an Angel". It's a bit of a soppy, feel good programme, obviously about angels and invariably it "touches" Baggy and makes her cry at some point, but what it did do this evening, is remind Baggy that she has an angel in her life; his name's Wesley. And yes bloggees, Psychic Ploppo truly does believe that. Wesley chose Baggy to be his human shortly after her Mama died unexpectedly (over eleven years ago now), and he's been there for her ever since, so not spending time with him has been hard for both of them. Baggy knows that he is there for her, she just hopes that he knows that she'll always be there for him......

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