Monday 5 September 2016

Thank Heaven for horses.

Monday. Not Baggy's favourite day as she's on her own again, well apart from the four-legged furries that is. Furry Mama had a happy walk with Minty Mutt in the drizzle - autumn is on its way for sure. But unfortunately Baggy's back is hurting rather a lot. It "went" yesterday. Clever Bird suspects it's a combination of things: Grotty Groom doing the horses last Thursday, Baggy driving Billy-Bob Jalopy (with his forty-year-old lack of power assistance), and Minty Mutt hauling Furry Mama sideways yesterday. Whatever the reason, this morning's walk was more of a hobble. As for bending down to pick up a poo, well Baggy must have looked like a very old woman, not a middle-aged one. But at least she is getting old, so that's all good.

When they got home again, the pain began to get Baggy down a bit though, so The Domestic Goddess decided that it was the perfect reason not to do much other than the washing. But Clever Bird realised that Hormonal Hannah had appeared and was putting Baggy into a slump. Baggy was getting upset and teary for no apparent reason and just wanted to go back to bed. Clever Bird stepped in and suggested that Baggy take Grotty Groom to see the Boys. Hannah wasn't keen on this idea, but Clever Bird won. Grotty Groom spent a lovely couple of hours just being with her Boys. She groomed and cuddled them and just spent time being with them. Baggy felt so much better almost instantly.

Clever Bird doesn't really understand what it is about horses that is so special, but just being around them soothes a person's soul. Grotty is loving having the stable block to herself now, once again her horses can be her therapy and her sanity. Grotty had intended riding, but Baggy's back put pay to that plan, but it didn't matter, she had a really lovely time. Now she is back on an even keel once more. And in a better head-space for her counselling tomorrow. Pity she's just comfort-eaten a whole box of chocolates and now feels rather sick. But they were a present and they were looking at her, so...........

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