Saturday 8 October 2016

Now The Hinge is in hospital!

Calum got home reasonably early yesterday and wanted to take the latest crates that The Domestic Goddess had filled, over to the other house. Furry Mama wasn't too sure she wanted to go, as The Hinge cat had been a bit "off" for the previous couple of days. She hadn't eaten anything since the day before and when she'd eaten then, she was instantly sick. Baggy had woken yesterday to a massive pile of smelly squidgy poo on the antique Afghani rug and Hinge had looked a bit floppy. So before she agreed to go, Clever Bird checked where Hinge was, only to find her outside on the roof, looking perfectly okay and purring her little head off. So Calum, Baggy and Minty Mutt loaded up the car and headed off. By the time they got home again it was 8.30pm. Bracket kat was waiting for her tea. There was no sign of Hinge cat. Furry Mama found her upstairs looking very uncomfortable, lying on her stomach, but lifting her tail, trying (and failing) to poo on Baggy's Turkish rug. When Furry Mama stroked her, instead of the usual purring, she moved away from Baggy. Freda Fretter started to panic. Calum suggested she phone and speak to the vet, who immediately suggested that they take her straight in to the Bury St Edmunds branch. They got there at 10.00pm, with poor little Hinge meowing all the way.

X-rays confirmed that she was severely constipated and must have been in a lot of pain. She had to be admitted and put on a drip. Freda tried not to panic. Furry Mama tried not to cry. Overnight Hinge was given the same laxative that Baggy had after her Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst surgery. Furry Mama phoned first thing this morning to be told that Hinge was okay, but had still not pooed, so they had shoved something up her bottom - poor little cat! They have kept her in over the weekend and will call tomorrow with news. Furry Mama just wants her home safely.

But as she was in hospital for the weekend it meant that Baggy, Calum and Minty Mutt could head over to the other house once again today. They took a couple of bits of furniture. Very heavy bits of furniture that Baggy couldn't even begin to lift! Fortunately, Calum managed to get "proper" help at either end. The Domestic Goddess unloaded yet more crates, most of which have been in the shed for the last four years! Clever Bird would like to say that it was like Christmas, but it was more like Halloween! Why does she keep such junk? But yes, Hormonal Hannah still couldn't throw any of it away, so it will all get a new home. Some things never change.........

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