Tuesday 18 October 2016


Sorry for not appearing yesterday bloggees, The Domestic Goddess poisoned Baggy, but Creative Clara will come to that later. The day started yesterday with Baggy taking Hormonal Hannah for her penultimate counselling session. Yep, she had two in the space of five days and her next and final one, is in two-and-a-half weeks. But for the first time, Hannah only blubbed for a few seconds, rather than for practically the whole hour! She has come so far in her understanding of how her childhood abandonment affected her and has moulded her. She's fighting the anxiety and depression and the happy pills are definitely helping with that. But regular bloggees will have realised how much Clever Bird is now planning for Baggy and Calum. Planning was anathema to Hannah who was blocking Baggy from thinking more than a day ahead, now she's full steam ahead planning their house move and holiday cottage business. Six months ago, if Calum even suggested moving house, or that he liked the look of a house, Baggy had a total full-on meltdown, now she's excited about having new challenges.

She was full of energy when she got home, so after Furry Mama had walked Minty Mutt, The Domestic Goddess set into action packing and sorting more things. Clever Bird is finally beginning to realise just how much stuff Baggy has! Creative Clara then spent a merry hour choosing a small selection of artwork that she's prepared to leave for the holiday cottage, that works with the new colour scheme.

Baggy started to feel rather dizzy so Clever Bird decided she needed food. Calum had made a delicious stew on Sunday, so The Domestic Goddess decided to heat it up and have it with a baked potato. It was as lovely as the night before. Before she'd even finished it though, Baggy's tummy started to feel rather dodgy. She decided that Minty Mutt could have what she hadn't eaten. He enjoyed it as much as Baggy did. Clara is trying to work out how to put this politely, let's say that the next few hours were rather, urmmmm, explosive. It reminded Clever Bird of Baggy's experience with laxatives after her Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst surgery. Not pretty.

Calum called. Baggy explained that she felt rather ill. She blamed the stew, as that's all she'd eaten. Calum said it must have been the container she stored it in. Baggy didn't have time to argue as she had to get back to the bathroom, mid-phone call. Minty Mutt was fast asleep in front of the telly as Baggy sat back down. A few minutes later he got up, retching and proceeded to be sick all over the rug. A nice neat pile of undigested stew emerged. Ooooops! During the night, on one of Baggy's frequent trips to the bathroom, Clever Bird realised that perhaps The Domestic Goddess hadn't re-heated it well enough. It was only warm rather than piping hot and it was the third time that it had been re-heated. Lesson learnt. Perhaps. Interesting way of losing weight though. This morning Baggy was two pounds lighter than she was last night!

Today was another day of packing and re-designing Baggy's house. It looks so different now that it is becoming de-cluttered, The Domestic Goddess and Clara make a good team. Things are progressing at a pace at both ends now. The new electric heating should be being fitted at the holiday cottage in the next couple of weeks. The worst of the leaky roofs at the other house (the one on the one-storey extension) will be removed and re-laid in the next couple of weeks as well. Things are looking very positive all round. So feeling good, Baggy decided to take Grotty Groom over for a cuddle with the horses this afternoon.

As Baggy pulled in to the yard, one of the yard dogs arrived at her car door, wagging his tail. He loves his Aunty Baggy, as she always has treats for him. Grotty patted the horses as she walked past them to get the doggy his biccies, he followed her wagging his little tail off as Hormonal Hannah took Grotty over and fed the dog biscuits to the horses! Clever Bird only realised what Hannah had made her do, when Wesley stuck his head in the air and parted his lips. Ooooops............

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