Friday 28 October 2016

Well trained.

No blog yesterday bloggees, because there was not a lot to say! Most of the day was used up with Baggy painting doors! Today Furry Mama's Number One furry, Calum, had his stitches out from his gum where they put the posts in last Friday. He was very relieved as a) the stitches were sticking in to his mouth and tongue and b) he's looked like a greedy hamster all week, so he's feeling much better. Baggy headed off to Fat Club this morning, with Clever Bird totally convinced that she was finally at her target weight as Baggy weighed a pound less than it on her home scales. But no, she still has a pound to go. Hormonal Hannah blamed the scales, as today's Fat Club was in a different room and the scales were on carpet, not a hard floor, but Clever Bird reminded her of all the meals out she ate last weekend for her anniversary. One pound though bloggees! One pound!  So Baggy is determined to try and stick to the plan this week if Hormonal Hannah doesn't de-rail her!

Once Baggy and Calum were home, The Domestic Goddess threw lots of clothes that are not required for winter, into bin bags and heaped the lot into Dodgy truck. Then once again they set off with Minty Mutt to the other house. For the first time tonight, they have cooked a meal in the kitchen! Well, when Creative Clara says, "they", what she actually means is that her Number One furry cooked a meal! Baggy has him very well trained...........

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