Thursday 3 March 2016

Day 115 - Why would you live in the sticks?

Hello bloggees. Sorry for vanishing for a day. It was not out of choice, but that's the joys of living in the sticks. Clever Bird knows that Baggy is very lucky to live in such a lovely village in a stunning part of the world. It really is incredibly beautiful round here. It is also very peaceful and very safe. The village is still one with an old-fashioned community spirit. People know each other. There are even little village events. Your classic English village fete. Harvest supper. Group walks. Village barbeques. All very quaint. Neighbours help each other out. Other villagers recognise you, even if they don't know you. Dog walkers all speak to each other. Everyone says "good morning" etc etc. Lovely. Yesterday for instance, Baggy popped into the little plant centre to see whether they sold gardening hand-tools for doing pots. As Gloria Gardener cannot find hers anywhere, Baggy decided she needed new ones. Baggy had no money on her as Furry Mama was out with Minty. So it was just an enquiry. They did have tools. "Oh, lovely" said Baggy, "I'll come back when I've got some money". "That's okay" said the sales lady, "take what you like and pay me when you are passing again". "Are you sure?" asked Freda Fretter, who has only ever been in the plant centre twice before. "Yes, I've seen you loads of times". Baggy left with various tools and a kneeler and realised that the lady must have seen her walking Minty Mutt past her shop.

However, despite the village being just twenty minutes drive from the pretty major town of Colchester, it might as well be in the middle of nowhere. There is no gas supply to the village. There is no mains sewage in the village. The electricity supply is via overhead wires to each house. Power cuts are therefore frequent if it gets a bit windy. The phone lines are also overhead cables. The house land-line has possibly worked for three days in the last three weeks. Apparently a lorry knocked a pole down this time. It still isn't working. There is absolutely no sign of a fibre-optic cable anywhere near the village. Broadband? No chance. None. Baggy and Calum have to rely on a little dongle hanging in the kitchen window (the only place in the whole house where it will get a signal). Unless of course it rains and the thatch gets wet, then it won't work at all. Or of course if Creative Clara has been blogging too much and her credit runs out. As it did yesterday.

So once again, sorry bloggees, but Creative Clara couldn't get on t'internet to blog. The only reason she can get on today, is because Baggy went and met her husband in a lay-by while he had a break and nicked his SIM card off him. He can go two days without t'internet before the new credit goes on. He won't get the withdrawal symptoms that Clara gets! Mind you, Baggy got so bored without t'internet access, that she got Gloria Gardener to put her tools to good use. Two hours gardening done in the front garden yesterday. Three hours done in the back garden today. Obviously Baggy has over done it, but at least she might have burnt off some extra calories for Fat Club tomorrow. Now it's time for supper and fire worshiping. Oh and in case you're wondering - yes Baggy and Calum love living in the sticks. It would just be nice to join the twenty-first century though............

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