Monday 28 March 2016

Day 141 - Baggy is hobbling.

Well Storm Katie did a major amount of house buffeting last night and is still at it a little bit. But that is another advantage of living in a thatched house, the roof is highly unlikely to get blown off. It also kills the noise. That was how Clever Bird knew the storm was really bad; she could hear it! Fortunately for the Baggy household, they still have power (hope that's not famous last words) and no damage. Even Gloria's wall garden is completely undisturbed. Very grateful.

After a lie in Calum has the fire going and the whole family is nice and toasty. Just as well as Baggy has undertaken the major task of hair-washing this morning. Two hours later it is still very damp. But as Baggy is not planning on leaving the house today it seemed like a good plan to do it. Unfortunately, the one downside of Grotty Groom riding twice this weekend is Baggy is in pain. Surprisingly this is not a bit of Baggy that Clever Bird would have expected to be hurting. Her stomach is fine (apart from the odd weird shooting-pain), her arm is no worse than it has been. But her right knee! Now that is a different story. Very painful. Very swollen. Especially behind her leg. Most peculiar. But Baggy can't straighten her leg, so she is hobbling about. Furry Mama is therefore feeling very guilty but Minty Mutt will not be getting his usual walk today. Mind you they would probably have got blown away anyway.

Clever Bird can only assume that the swelling is due to Grotty deciding to ride with much longer stirrup-leathers. It is well over eight years since she last rode at that length, so presumably her muscles just aren't up to it. But Baggy doesn't care because Grotty is just so grateful that she can once again ride her Boy. It is just a shame that it is way too stormy to ride again today as her leg is fine when she's on her horse! It's being on the ground that's hard. So today will be a day for Creative Clara to get on with writing. Novel, here she comes.........

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