Tuesday 8 March 2016

Day 121 - Gloria Gardener rocks.

Last week despite Baggy not following her "diet" one-hundred percent, she lost a considerable amount of weight. Clever Bird is sure it's because Gloria Gardener was on a mission. She worked hard for about five hours. So as the front of the house is looking rather pleasant after Gloria's efforts and the arrival of Baggy's new palisade, she decided it was time to attack the back terrace. It might be tiny. But it was a serious mess.

Creative Clara has explained that Gloria is usually more elusive than The Domestic Goddess hasn't she? Well, not at the moment. Baggy is determined that while Grotty Groom is off duty, the rest of the gang's workers need to earn their keep. Baggy wants her husband to want to come home to a nice house, not to a tip. She is determined that even if she's not strong (or confident) enough for Grotty to look after the Boys yet, Gloria and The Goddess can make a big effort. Mind you nothing is ever totally straightforward in Baggy's world. Calum and Baggy just have way too much stuff.

But Clever Bird would not let Gloria use that as an excuse, she made her work round it. Minty Mutt had to be banned to the kitchen as he was determined to get Furry Mama to stop Gloria in her tracks. The whimpering and play-barking was driving Baggy nuts. Over three hours later it looked decidedly better.

Clever Bird is hopeful that Gloria will have burnt off enough calories for Baggy to have a good weight-loss again this week. And Creative Clara has big plans for the brick wall on the left. Oh yeah bloggees watch this space........

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