Wednesday 30 March 2016

Day 143 - What makes an author?

As Furry Mama walked Minty Mutt through The Thickets this morning, Baggy was wandering along thanking God for such a beautiful day. Freda Fretter was wandering along thinking about all the things that Baggy should be getting on with.

The gang has so much to do. The Goddess needs to clean. The open fire is just wonderful, but it causes a film of dust to appear within sixty-seconds of swooshing the duster about. So Clever Bird said, "Why bother - enough with the pointless swooshing?" Gloria Gardener needs to plant the climbing rose that Calum bought at the weekend. Clever Bird read the instructions. "Dig a two foot by eighteen inch hole". What? Gloria decided that was a job for Calum at the weekend then. She also needs to cut the lawn, which is now about six inches long. But Freda Fretter wants Calum to check that the lawnmower works properly (it being brand new) before she lets Gloria at it. She doesn't want it going bang on her, or not starting, or, or, or. Grotty Groom needs to go and see her beloved Boys. But she doesn't want a confrontation with the bad energy source so would rather not go. The Goddess needs to go and buy coal. But Hormonal Hannah is playing up and would rather not go out. So what has Baggy been doing all day?

Creative Clara has monopolised all of her time. This would of course be perfectly acceptable if Baggy actually really was an author. Rather than a "trying-to-be-an" author. Yes bloggees, she blogs. But surely that just makes her a blogger? She writes her series. But surely that just makes her a diary writer? Clever Bird has always thought of authors as people who have had a book published. But actually that isn't the definition. The definition according to the Collins English Dictionary is "a person who composes a book, article, or other written work". So Creative Clara is definitely an author, just not a professional one. But everyone has to start somewhere. So Clara's first novel is a priority for Baggy. As a result when she has ideas she feels the need to write them before they disappear into the ether. She got stuck last week and had written nothing for days. Now she can't stop. She has taken a break to blog, but now she's going back to it............

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