Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The gang are definitely regrouping.

Well that was another brilliant day! The gang are definitely regrouping and supporting Baggy, more than causing her grief. Furry Mama could barely keep up with Minty Mutt, he seemed to be on a real mission today - but it's all good for Baggy's fat burning. This is required after losing the plot food-wise over the weekend: sausage rolls, scones and jam, cake, baguettes, sausages, pork crackling, in fact bloggees, you name it, Baggy probably ate it. She put two pounds on anyway, so has three days to lose it again! So trying to keep up with the very enthusiastic Minty Mutt was a good thing.

Quick (healthy) lunch rustled up by The Domestic Goddess in between hanging out washing and vacuuming, before Clever Bird persuaded Freda Fretter that Baggy should drive Billy-Bob Jalopy to the yard. Now it's not that Baggy can't drive him, in fact he's really fun to drive, but without Calum being her ear-piece-guide every now and again, Freda was worried that Baggy might panic on her own. Left-hand drive on scary single track roads, fine unless you need to reverse, or even to brake suddenly; Billy-Bob might be fun to drive, but he's certainly not easy. But Baggy decided to take Grotty Groom to the yard in B.B. She enjoyed the drive! Everyone wanted to admire him too, which was fun.

It's also fairly handy having a little sitting room to relax in at the yard. Even though, once again Grotty had not actually ridden Wesley for nine days, the Boy was a poppet. It was really hot and humid, but he tried so hard. Vicky-May videoed Grotty and Wessles towards the very end of the lesson, when both of them were getting rather tired, so he was leaning on Grotty occasionally, and certainly they went better earlier on, but still, Clever Bird was proud of them.

When Grotty hopped off she realised how hard she had actually worked Baggy, as her legs went rather jelly-like! She'll ache tomorrow. Perhaps Clever Bird should have thought through having a lesson the day before Grotty looks after the horses for the first time in a year, but then this is Clever Bird we're talking about. She decided that a cup of tea was in order and a new pair of gloves for mucking out tomorrow. She sat in her Billy-Bob sitting room mulling over a plan of action for tomorrow.
The gloves remained clean for under five minutes, as Grotty decided to take out the poos that the Boys had already done since coming in - see, a contemplate and a cup of tea, result in forward planning. It does remain to be seen whether Baggy will be able to get up at 6.30am though........

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Tuesdays are a bit of a struggle for Baggy at the moment.

After a really lovely long weekend with Calum and Minty Mutt in Billy-Bob, Baggy was on a high this morning, even though it's effectively Monday and Calum has gone off to work. Even so, it's not Monday, it is Tuesday, which means that it's Hormonal Hannah's counselling day. Baggy was not in the mood for dragging up ghastly stuff and bringing herself down from the good feeling, but needs must. It was even harder, because actually she hasn't been to counselling for two weeks and all the positive changes in that two weeks, means that Hannah is having much less influence on Baggy. Having said that of course, Clever Bird is very aware that the reason for all the positive changes is because the counselling has helped enormously! It allowed her to confront and resolve the situation at the yard. It has got her on HRT (which has already significantly reduced Hannah's hot-flushes). It has given her the courage to buy Billy-Bob. It's got her writing her novel again. It's even got her planning a new business venture. So of course, Baggy has to keep going and exposing her soul. It is hard and exhausting, but definitely worth it.

As Baggy checked her diary to confirm the next sessions, Grotty Groom realised that Wesley and Joey were due to have their jabs today and she needed to be at the yard. Hormonal Hannah made Baggy drive Grotty to the yard before going home, to speak to the groom to make sure the Boys were brought in for 12.30. As she got halfway there, Clever Bird wondered why she hadn't just phoned. Drrrrrr! There was no sign of the groom, who was on her own for the day and really busy! But Bless her, she'd phoned the vets to check what time they'd be coming and had written it on the board. Grotty was impressed. Baggy shot home, got Furry Mama to play with Minty for a while, before changing into something more suitable than mad floaty trousers and flip-flops for handling the horses!

Grotty brought Wesley in while the groom brought Joey in. Jabs done, both horses groomed, Grotty went home again. But not before deciding that Grotty can look after the horses herself on Thursday, for the first time in a year!!! Only for the day mind - Freda Fretter is still worried about whether she'll cope, but still, it's another positive start! The Domestic Goddess swung into action reorganising everything in Billy-Bob and adding a few bits. She'll get it figured. She needs to, they'll be staying in him again next weekend! Wonder if she can get a memory-foam mattress in time........

Monday, 29 August 2016

What a weekend!

Sorry for not blogging yesterday bloggees, but Baggy was too busy having fun in Billy-Bob-Jalopy with Calum and Minty Mutt. Here are the last two days in pictures!

First stop Aldeburgh, Suffolk.

Then to Dunwich, Suffolk, where every time that Baggy and Calum go there the skies seem to open!

They had lunch at the pub, but it was full, so sat outside in the rain and made a new friend. Delicious (diet-blowing) lunch!

After lunch, they tried to work a bit of it off!

Minty Mutt decided that maybe a paddle was in order. Baggy decided that she needed a lucky stone (one with a hole in it), as a memory of this trip. Could she find one?

He almost instantly regretted it when he realised how cold and rough it was! It doesn't taste too great either! Takes after his Mum, does Minty Mutt!

Calum managed to find Baggy four lucky stones - just as Baggy had thought her luck had run out, having not found one! But she was so excited to realise that the cute campervan in the car park was theirs that she got over it!

After a wonderful day, they got back to their amazing site - Haw Wood Farm Camping Site which they highly recommend! - and within a minute of getting back into Billy-Bob and reconnecting their little awning, the Heavens opened again!

It rained sooooo hard, that a local resident decided that he would be better with Baggy and Calum, than in the rain.

Two birds in one day; guess they like Baggy. Sleeping in the bus is interesting! Memory-foam mattress will be bought!!!! But they woke up to a glorious morning - two days in a row they got up at 6.30am!!!!!!!!!!!!

As it was "going home day", The Domestic Goddess decided that a bit of bus cleaning was required; not that she could work out how to use the vacuum!

Once she did she was on a roll.

All done! Ready for the off.

They decided to head to Snape Maltings.

Then on to Orford.

It got hot - there were ice-creams!

They went to see the horses on the way past. Grotty Groom needed a cuddle. Finally home. Billy-Bob unloaded. Baggy is on the wine. Yes the diet has totally gone to pot, but the Baggy family are seriously happy campers - so pleased to have taken a risk and bought our dream VW and soooo lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country! Life is too short, not to live it to the full.........