Thursday 11 August 2016

A little bit of self-indulgence does a Baggy Body good.

Well it's not just Baggy's blog that's gone international now, her little Etsy shop, Realuv has too! It might be little, but it seems to be taking off, thanks in large part to Baggy's lovely friend Lettra, starting her off with some sales and therefore making Realuv  "live" as it were. Last night, Clever Bird suddenly realised that Baggy had had another order for a pair of vintage Monet clip-on earrings (that she used to wear with her huge shoulder-padded outfits in the 1980s). When she paid a little more attention, she noticed that the order was from the USA - she was very over-excited! So once Furry Mama had taken Minty Mutt for a stroll, Baggy took Creative Clara into town to post the parcel (that she spent about half-an-hour carefully packing, last night). It's amazing how big a parcel one can create for a little pair of earrings!

Clever Bird had no clue that she had to have a "customs" label on it, but the Post Office lady was very helpful, so Baggy's earrings will shortly be heading over the pond, to their new home. Creative Clara is now excited and will be adding further products and probably heading to the next auction in a couple of weeks to buy more stock. There's one problem with having to drive to town to go to the Post Office - shops!

Rather than doing what she has been doing recently and letting Hormonal Hannah skulk straight home again, Clever Bird decided to make Baggy take a bit of time out and window shop. There is a bit of a risk with this plan. Clever Bird knows that when Hannah has had Baggy feeling low in the past, she has spent money BIG TIME. Generally money that she didn't have - designer clothes, a brand new Toyota MR2 sports car, a Jeep Cheroke (that she popped out and bought one lunchtime when her boss had upset her!), Wesley!!!!! Yes quite! But it made her feel good (briefly), until the guilt and panic and repayments set in. But actually, she loved all those things - especially the most expensive of the lot, the Boy Wessles! And life is too short not to be self-indulgent sometimes, so today she shopped.

She went to her favourite hippy shop and bought a cute top plus a couple of bits to start Creative Clara's transformation of Calum and Baggy's summerhouse a.k.a. Baggy's woman-cave, into a gypsy-caravan style paradise.

Baggy realises that she may need to organise Calum a man cave, sooner rather than later a.k.a. a motorbike home for the winter. But it's a great space to make Hannah relax in and it seems to work wonders to calm her down. Plus, it's become Creative Clara's Realuv shop packing space and she just loves being in it. Baggy did resist buying a pouffe, but she's thinking that she may have to go back and get it, just because she adored it. Yes bloggees, she is supposed to be de-cluttering and Heaven alone knows how she would squeeze it in her woman-cave, but it's soooooooooooooo cute! At least it wasn't a car heh bloggees?

It's such a great place to just "be" and to contemplate, even on another not so sunny day!

The furries love it too, although even without the pouffe squashed in, there's not much room for them.

Baggy's loving being self-indulgent though. Wonder what she could buy next -she has her eyes on something really big.......

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