Tuesday 30 August 2016

Tuesdays are a bit of a struggle for Baggy at the moment.

After a really lovely long weekend with Calum and Minty Mutt in Billy-Bob, Baggy was on a high this morning, even though it's effectively Monday and Calum has gone off to work. Even so, it's not Monday, it is Tuesday, which means that it's Hormonal Hannah's counselling day. Baggy was not in the mood for dragging up ghastly stuff and bringing herself down from the good feeling, but needs must. It was even harder, because actually she hasn't been to counselling for two weeks and all the positive changes in that two weeks, means that Hannah is having much less influence on Baggy. Having said that of course, Clever Bird is very aware that the reason for all the positive changes is because the counselling has helped enormously! It allowed her to confront and resolve the situation at the yard. It has got her on HRT (which has already significantly reduced Hannah's hot-flushes). It has given her the courage to buy Billy-Bob. It's got her writing her novel again. It's even got her planning a new business venture. So of course, Baggy has to keep going and exposing her soul. It is hard and exhausting, but definitely worth it.

As Baggy checked her diary to confirm the next sessions, Grotty Groom realised that Wesley and Joey were due to have their jabs today and she needed to be at the yard. Hormonal Hannah made Baggy drive Grotty to the yard before going home, to speak to the groom to make sure the Boys were brought in for 12.30. As she got halfway there, Clever Bird wondered why she hadn't just phoned. Drrrrrr! There was no sign of the groom, who was on her own for the day and really busy! But Bless her, she'd phoned the vets to check what time they'd be coming and had written it on the board. Grotty was impressed. Baggy shot home, got Furry Mama to play with Minty for a while, before changing into something more suitable than mad floaty trousers and flip-flops for handling the horses!

Grotty brought Wesley in while the groom brought Joey in. Jabs done, both horses groomed, Grotty went home again. But not before deciding that Grotty can look after the horses herself on Thursday, for the first time in a year!!! Only for the day mind - Freda Fretter is still worried about whether she'll cope, but still, it's another positive start! The Domestic Goddess swung into action reorganising everything in Billy-Bob and adding a few bits. She'll get it figured. She needs to, they'll be staying in him again next weekend! Wonder if she can get a memory-foam mattress in time........

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