Wednesday 10 August 2016

Positive, positive, positive!

Taking note of Hormonal Hannah's counselling and Stress Management course, Clever Bird decided that from today Baggy will remain busy and positive at all times! She planned on getting Gloria Gardener to tackle the back garden, but in spite of it being August, it really wasn't terribly warm in little old Suffolk today, so she had a change of plan. It took some doing, but she managed to track down The Domestic Goddess. As Freda Fretter has sided with Hannah and agreed that the new kitchen idea, is too expensive and needs to go on hold, Clever Bird decided that it was time to make the best of what is there currently. This requires a major de-cluttering exercise. The Goddess set to with a vengeance, only to realise that as importantly, or truly, much more importantly, some serious cleaning was needed.

When you have a collection of very old, dust and cobweb-covered bottles, none of which is a bottle of wine, or in a cellar, it's clear there is a problem. The next shock was the number of dead flies, attached to old cobwebs, behind the blinds at the kitchen windows. Mind you, the size of the spiders guarding them - argggghhhhhh! Bear in mind that Baggy's kitchen is minute bloggees - all day she's been at it! All day! Well apart from a quick lunch; Furry Mama playing ball with Minty Mutt every few minutes (or so it seemed); and a session for Baggy with her physiotherapist, that turned into more of a counselling session, it was all day. Probably five hours worth of cleaning and reorganising and it's not finished! But The Goddess might finally need to drop her middle names of "Not A". She has done a seriously good job. Baggy is proud of her and actually looking forward to finishing the job off tomorrow. See - all positive.

Clever Bird is also going to try to get Creative Clara to stop with the self-deprecating humour and have more belief in Baggy and the gang's abilities. She is after all truly a clever bird, so "beating herself" up constantly, even if to make a joke, is not helpful to her current state-of-mind. So expect a little more praise-singing from Baggy bloggees.........

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