Friday, 13 November 2015

Baggy Body and her Gang - A little explanation

Grotty Groom
Looks after her horse Wesley and her husband's horse Joey. Wesley is a 15' 3", 14-year old coloured Irish cob fondly known as her DT (Dobbin/Thoroughbred) because although he may look like an innocent easy ride, he is one of the sharpest spookiest horses around. Joey is a 16' 2", 10-year old pure ID (Irish Draught) and a total gentleman. Although Grotty is not paid for this work it's a pretty full-time job.

Furry Mama
Is responsible for looking after all the home furries: Furry Number 1 is her husband Calum. A hairy biker who works as an HGV1 "tramper" and lives away in his lorry all week. Furry Number 2 is her loyal, 7-stone, 8-year old German Shepherd dog Mint (a.k.a. Minty Mutt) who guards Furry Mama with great devotion. Furries Number 3 and 4 are sisters Hinge and Bracket, 5-year old tortoiseshell rescue cats who adore Furry Mama, Minty Mutt and Calum but are terrified of pretty much everyone else.

Clever Bird
Is the brains of the gang. She's highly intelligent but frequently fails to demonstrate even an iota of common sense. As Calum is heard to say on a fairly regular basis, "For a very clever bird she can be pretty stupid sometimes!" She has a degree in business studies, a post grad. diploma in marketing and an astute business brain, but can end up in the accident and emergency department because she'll do something totally ridiculous like peeling foil of a steaming pot with her bare fingers.

Creative Clara
Is the creative one of the gang. She loves to write and she frequently tries to make stuff (although she hasn't really found her niche there). She's also very musical. She plays saxophone and clarinet pretty well, but not very often.

Freda Fretter
Is just a born worrier. She's constantly fretting about things that really she can't do much about. Although sometimes she is justified in her concerns.

The Domestic Goddess
Is responsible for looking after the home. Her other name is Not. Feel free to stick this anywhere you like in her name. She tries her best but really isn't that devoted to domesticity. Especially in a small fifteenth-century thatched, timber-framed cottage with an open fire, full of way too much clutter and a bunch of furries. She is a fairly elusive character and has a bad habit of leaving the gang for days at a time.

Gloria Gardener
Is frankly even more elusive than The Goddess, but when she does bother to show up, she's responsible for looking after the outside of the house and the little gardens front and back of it.

Lady Eadwynn
Is a re-enactor of the 9th to 12th centuries. She likes to be a Saxon, even when in a Norman settlement, but she'll be a Norman if pushed. She's a pretty mean shot with a long bow. She is very happy doing skill-at-arms tests from horse back: chopping heads off with a sword (well cabbages anyway), throwing lances at targets, catching hoops on a spear, stabbing pigs (pretend ones) on the ground with a spear and generally showing off at a canter in long dresses and a wimple. 

Archaeological Annie
Is most happy with her nose pointed at the ground when out and about walking in the countryside looking for treasures. Or her nose pointed in the air looking at the architecture if wandering around a town or city. She has a masters degree in archaeology and heritage, so if she can dig a bit of ground up with a trowel, she will.

Psychic Ploppo
Is the weird one. She sees ghosts and is frequently visited by spirits, but she isn't trained, so it can go a bit scarily wrong sometimes. The rest of the gang are a bit wary of her but she's a good soul.

Hairy Biker Hen
Is a very new biker. She got her licence two years ago because she was terrified of riding pillion, so now she has a 650cc Kawasaki. Every now and again she sprouts a couple more beard hairs when she takes it out on the country roads or whizzes off to a bike rally or show. She's definitely no spring chicken though - hence Hen.

Baggy Body
Is the physical being that holds the gang together. She is the gang, so without her none of them could do their thing.