Freda Fretter is being a real nuisance. Not content with having Baggy worrying about going to sleep, she's got Grotty Groom worrying that Wesley and Joey will by now be getting stressed that they've not seen her for over a week. She has Furry Mama thinking that Minty Mutt doesn't seem to be himself. And she's still fretting about Baggy's uncontrolled wind-expulsion. Even though being able to "let it go" as it were, is definitely reducing Baggy's pain, she does actually have a justified worry with this one.
Unfortunately (from this perspective) the laxative that Baggy has been taking is beginning to have a little too much of an effect. Last night, twice, this "let it go" policy resulted in the inevitable accident. Put it this way, the large brown slug that Baggy spotted crawling across the bathroom floor tiles while she was finally sitting on the loo, turned out not to be! Clever Bird took great delight in telling her that it was actually a little splat of escaped poo. Baggy was mortified. The second time, Baggy honestly thought that she'd got away with it and had thrown herself onto the toilet seat in time. She was feeling quite relieved about the expulsion of air that had got gradually louder all the way downstairs and through to the bathroom before she collapsed on the loo. It was only when Baggy got up the next morning that Clever Bird pointed out the brown poo-stains on her white (no more) medical stockings. Horrified. And very upset. Now Baggy appeared to be incontinent. Freda Fretter was leaping (very cautiously) around saying, "I told you so". Now Clever Bird has to try to persuade Baggy to continue to "let it go" as the potential accidents and embarrassment are less of an issue than the very real agony of trapped wind. Thank Heaven Baggy has such an amazingly understanding husband. Just to make Baggy feel even worse this morning she also didn't quite make it to the loo in time for a wee. No two ways about it, she must remember to do her pelvic floor exercises.
The upside of these terrible embarrassments is that Baggy is at least in considerably less pain today. This, even in spite of her morning's wake-up "alarm". Apparently, on her last nightly visit to the bathroom Baggy hadn't shut the bedroom door properly. Hinge cat a.k.a. the low-slung one, had spent many an hour in the previous two nights, trying to scratch her way through the door so that she could curl up on the bed with Furry Mama as she normally can. This morning Baggy was still fast asleep and didn't hear her sneak in to the bedroom. Normally Hinge waits politely until she knows Baggy is conscious before leaping on top of Furry Mama (unlike Bracket who thinks that it's important to leap on top while Baggy is still unconscious whilst mewing as loudly as possible). But having been shut out for the two previous nights, today waiting was not going to happen. Thankfully, for the first time since her operation, Baggy had managed to fall asleep on her side, otherwise the stone-weight of leaping cat would have landed on Baggy's "piercings" which would inevitably have meant a trip back to hospital. As it was, the force was enough to make Baggy's wound bleed, but Furry Mama still felt rather guilty when Baggy instinctively jet-propelled a slightly surprised Hinge straight off the other side of the bed.
In spite of all this Baggy is in a lot less pain today and the pain she is in seems to be down to an upset stomach, possibly caused by the antibiotics injected into her spine. Antibiotics always give Baggy stomach cramps. But for the first time she's able to sit upright in a chair at the table, so Creative Clara has been taking Freda Fretter's mind off things by publishing Baggy's first ever blog on the internet, after Clever Bird finally figured out how to do it!
The slight downside of feeling better is that it's very tempting to try to do too much, when the reality is that it takes very little to over do it. Baggy still can't even get her sexy anti blood-clot stockings on without help. She can't lift the kettle if it's full. She can't lift her own laptop. If she coughs, sneezes, laughs or tries to blow her nose it is still incredibly painful. But just a week ago she was still having two hours of surgery, so as Clever Bird says, "Baby steps".
Her biggest problem today is finding knickers that are big and loose enough not to cut into Baggy's still very swollen stomach. Tight ones also get caught on the staples! So as Clever Bird pointed out, "Why not go commando?". Good plan. But Baggy will listen to Freda Fretter and make sure that any expulsion of air is back in that bathroom.......
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