Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Day 6 (14/11/15) - Time to Accept Facts; Does Baggy need a Nappy?

Baggy did overdo it yesterday. She was out of the house for nearly four hours and was  exhausted and shaky when she went to bed at 11.15pm. Calum said, "See you in twenty minutes", "Oh, are you having an early night?", "No". Chuckle. "I'm not that bad!" But just forty-five minutes later Baggy was back downstairs desperately needing a wee. And again an hour later. In fact although she slept like a log in between and didn't actually get up until 10.15, she had to get up six times during the night. This morning, she's shaky, got a pounding headache and for some reason her shoulders and arms feel as though she's been doing pull-ups. But she can smell the bacon and eggs cooking as Creative Clara scribbles away in her notebook and has had a lovely shower so is feeling better already. Little things.

Clever Bird had been very hopeful that once Lawrence (the lump) had left Baggy and gone off on his new adventures, Baggy might not constantly have to wee. Clever Bird has always accepted (and stated) that Baggy has a bladder the size of a pea. Her Mum used to joke that even as a child she needed to "stop at every lamppost". It would seem that even at age five, Baggy wore a nappy at night and there was always a "potty" for emergencies in the boot of the car. As a teenager she apparently learnt to sleep-walk to the toilet, although for some reason didn't flush it afterwards, which used to get her into all kinds of trouble with her stepmother, who totally refused to believe that she was sleep-walking. In recent months Baggy was lucky if she went more than an hour at night without waking up in need of a wee. As Lawrence was 15cm big and pressing on top of her bladder, Clever Bird wasn't surprised that this was the case. As Baggy would have been born with Lawrence in her, growing slowly bigger all of her life, she was hopeful that once he'd gone this weeing problem might have gone too. Not so far though.

The constant waking up at night is leaving Baggy very tired, so realistically she needs to rest more during the day. The good news is that stopping taking the laxative doesn't seem to have caused Baggy to revert to baggy Blimp; well not so far anyway.

Originally Baggy had thought that Calum would have been able to go back to work by now. He earns nothing when he's off and so far has been off for eleven days. He's extremely fortunate to be working for such an understanding company who are allowing him to have the time off. But clearly, no income isn't great. Although Grotty Groom earns nothing, having Wesley and Joey looked after costs an extra £25 a day. So actually, if you like, Grotty saves Baggy and Calum £9,125 a year! Money that now has to be found for four months or more because of this operation (and a further one that Baggy's booked to have on her right arm on December 3rd), subject of course to whatever is going on with Baggy's heart. The first plan had been that in week one Calum might be able to go to work for a few hours during the day. Well clearly that was a daft plan! The next plan was that he would be able to drive overnight and spend the day at home sleeping and looking after Baggy. But that turned out to be an even dafter plan, as it's at night that Baggy feels most vulnerable and scared. So as obviously we need some income and Baggy is feeling a lot stronger and less vulnerable, the new plan is that Calum should be able to go to work for a few hours each day next week. However in two days (on Monday when Cal could go back) Baggy has to have the staples out. The next day she has to go back to Ipswich hospital to see the Consultant for her follow-up appointment to check her progress and to get confirmation that Lawrence was benign. Plus Baggy still doesn't know when she'll have to have this 24-hour ECG so it's all rather difficult. The fact is though that there's nothing that can be done about the situation. Baggy needs to recuperate. She needs Calum to drive her and help out, so the gang will just have to figure out how to find extra money once Baggy is back to normal. Go to sleep Freda Fretter!

But let's be positive. It's November, so Grotty gets time off over the absolute worst months for looking after horses. If the winter is to be as bad as the forecasters are suggesting, then Grotty probably wouldn't have been able to ride much anyway, so Wesley too can have a well deserved rest. Hairy Biker Hen certainly wouldn't be out on her motorbike at this time of year either. And Gloria Gardener who is useless even in the peak gardening months certainly wouldn't be out in the cold and rain. So Creative Clara can hone her blogging skills while Baggy builds back up The Goddess's and Furry Mama's strength.........

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