Monday, 30 November 2015

Day 22 - Ending.

Clever Bird decided to look up on t'internet, "How long does the swelling last after a hysterectomy?". How many times do "experts" tell people, "Whatever you do, don't check it out on the internet". Yes, well this is Clever Bird we're talking about! Baggy wishes she hadn't checked, as many of the responses are in months not weeks! But, maybe that's a good thing to know. It does at least mean that Baggy needn't worry that she is still incredibly swollen twenty six days after her operation. That is by all accounts to be expected. But she's rather fed up that it might be months before she can figure out whether the very weird dippy bit in her stomach is a permanent fixture. Step away from the mirror Freda Fretter.

But having checked out a couple of "official" sites, NHS and medical-type ones, but also a few blogs, Baggy has realised that in most ways she's way ahead of the game, recovery-wise! So actually, that's good to know. But it's unlikely that Baggy's insides are quite as ahead of the game as her general well-being would suggest, as it takes the same amount of time generally for bodies to repair. And although a fit old bird, the emphasis does need to be placed on the "old". So, to revert to an earlier blog, Baggy needs to listen to her own body, BUT she also needs to remember everything she has been told about taking it easy and take it easy!

Well that's one advantage of having more surgery on Thursday eh Clever Bird? Baggy won't have a choice but to take it easy once again, for at least a few more weeks. Every cloud has a silver lining. Hold that thought Hormonal Hannah and let Baggy get a proper night's sleep........

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