Saturday, 21 November 2015

Day 10 (18/11/15) - Furry Mama is Out and About with Minty Mutt. Boom, boobedy, boomy, boom, boom!

Best night so far. Baggy slept well and Furry Mama felt confident enough to leave the bedroom door open so that Bracket could sleep on the bed. Although Bracket did insist on lying on top of Furry Mama, Baggy could cope as she was on her side.

Barny the storm was blowing quite violently for most of the night, but the thick thatch on the house meant that Baggy slept through it. Although it was blowing pretty hard at lunchtime, Furry Mama insisted on going out with Calum to walk Minty Mutt. In fact she was out for forty minutes and although it was more of a totter than a brisk walk, it was great to be out. Having the staples out has made Baggy much more comfortable. The wound still feels a little sore and Baggy's insides are still painful and feel "tight" for want of a better word., but walking now is really not too bad. Clever Bird suspects that the weird dizziness that Baggy keeps feeling is because of her heart rather than the surgery.

Mind you, the daft Calum-style belly dancing that Baggy started to do to show her delight at being out on a walk possibly didn't help. Clever Bird reminded Baggy (too late) that there's a reason why she isn't allowed to go back to Tribal Dance classes for at least another four weeks. Still it made Cal laugh - then despair.

So it's exactly two weeks since the surgery (all two hours of it), so actually things are going jolly well. Clever Bird decided to re-read the notes that she was given about the recovery process and discovered the following:

Furry Mama should not be lifting the cats up (especially the rather fat Hinge) as they are too heavy.
The Goddess should not be washing up the Le Crueset cast-iron pans, they too are too heavy.
Baggy should be doing her physiotherapy exercises still. She isn't.

But over all, progress is excellent.

This afternoon Baggy went to the Doctors once more. This time for her dodgy heart. The tiny little ECG was attached to Baggy's trousers (just as well she was wearing them for the first time) and attached by wires to three sticky-pad thingys. Simples!

Calum wanted to do a little shop for fruit and veg. on the way home. Boom, boom, boom, boom. So we went to the supermarket. Bought a few vegetables. Boom, boom, boom. And some fruit. Boom, boom, boom. Baggy decided that she needed crisps (sorry Slimming World). Boom, boom, boom, boom. Then Calum wandered off to read some labels. Baggy decided to rest in the next aisle. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Cal went off to get eggs. Baggy waited. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Cal went to the check-outs. Baggy followed. Only two open. Long queues. Boom, boomy, boom, boom. Baggy decides to go and sit down. Boom, boomedy, boom, boom, silence, boomedy, boom. Oh dear! Cue hot flush!

But as Clever Bird pointed out that's probably a good thing because if Baggy's heart behaved itself for 24-hours a) that would be a first in recent weeks and b) they wouldn't have a lot to go on to figure out what's up and what to do about it. Interestingly the next boom, boomedy, boom session was when Furry Mama was relaxed in front in front of the fire with Bracket flopped on her lap. She had however just demolished four huge suet dumplings with Calum's delicious home-made stew, so perhaps Baggy was getting over excited about breaking about six Slimming World rules in one meal.

At about 9.00pm, a cup of tea seemed to set Baggy's heart going boom., boomedy, boom again, or perhaps it was excitement that Clara's blog has had over thirty viewings today. It gave her the courage to share it to a closed women's-group on Face Book that she belongs to. It remains to be seen whether it will be removed or anyone will like it, but as Clever Bird pointed out, Clara had nothing to lose and lots to gain if just one woman found some comfort from her ramblings. Boom, silence, boomedy, boom. Perhaps Baggy needs another cup of tea.

Baggy decided to change into her jim-jams as they're comfy and Cal had a lovely fire going to flop in front of. She had however forgotten that she's lost two and a half stone since she bought them. They fall down at the best of times but with the little ECG attached to them, Baggy has to walk around like Norman Wisdom pulling them up constantly, or they are round her ankles in seconds. Well at least so far she's managed not to go flying, when tripping over them. Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Freda Fretter can't help worrying what kind of boom, boomedy, booming Baggy's heart will be doing tomorrow morning when, on the first visit of the day to the Doctors Baggy has to have the rather large dressing pulled off her wound. Boom, boom, boom, boom..........

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