Sunday, 22 November 2015

Day 14 (22/11/15) - Clever Bird gets Philosophical. Sometimes Looking Really Well is an Illusion.

Another really late sleep. Clever Bird is beginning to realise that maybe Baggy isn't quite as well as she thinks. Whilst still half asleep this morning, the now healing wound on Baggy's stomach was itchy. Baggy automatically scratched it. Sideways. Across the wound. Her nails caught in the gap. Baggy freaked out. Freda Fretter didn't dare to look. No damage done. Painkillers required.

Baggy decided to get some bread out of the freezer. The freezer drawer got stuck. She tried to force it back in. Ouch! It's surprising how much it hurt her stomach. Clever Bird decided that as Baggy's clearly not doing quite so great today and as it's a very chilly, autumnal, Sunday, today should be a "onesie" day. No dressing up. No going out. Snuggle up with the furries in front of the fire. Blog. Watch old films. Relax.

But it got Clever Bird thinking. Yesterday Clara blogged that Baggy making a bit of an effort with her appearance had made her feel better. It's true, it had. What's more, when she took Grotty Groom to the yard to see the Boy Wessles and Joey horse, she looked more as though she was going out for a pub lunch, or she was off shopping, rather than that she was heading for a cuddle with her horses. As the staples are no longer a problem in her stomach, she's also walking normally. In fact as Lawrence is no longer causing her constant pain, apparently Baggy looks really well in herself; better than she's looked in some time. Even the morning after surgery, the Consultant said, "Well, you don't look like someone who had major surgery yesterday afternoon". So yesterday, at the yard, everyone who saw Baggy said, "Wow, you look well" or "You look great" or words to that effect. It's true. Even Calum said that Baggy was looking "very glamorous" and "you'd never know that you'd had surgery". And Baggy does feel good. Far better in fact than when Lawrence was with her. Much less pain. But actually that kind of makes it difficult!

Freda Fretter has started worrying that Baggy is taking the micky. That she should be getting on with things. That people will be thinking that she's "swinging the lead". That Calum will be thinking that it's about time that the elusive Domestic Goddess made an appearance. That people at the yard will be thinking that Grotty Groom should be looking after her own horses again by now. And Furry Mama feels terrible that she's not out taking Minty Mutt for long walks, etc. etc.

It has made Clever Bird think about hidden "illnesses". Just because a person looks okay, doesn't necessarily mean that they are okay. There are so many things that aren't obvious: mental illnesses, diabetes, epilepsy, even the common cold can wipe a person out, but not really show at all on the outside. People need to listen to their own bodies and look after themselves, while trying not to feel undue pressure (imagined or otherwise) from others. Ignore other people's expectations of you, don't listen to Freda Fretter. If you're ill or injured, you're ill or injured, visible or not.

Clever Bird has pointed out that the only person putting pressure on Baggy Body to get on with things is Freda Fretter. Everyone else is telling her not to over do it. But Freda feels like a total fraud! "Guilt", points out Clever Bird. Making Calum have to have time off work to look after Baggy. Costing a fortune because Grotty can't do her job. Baggy just not used to being so inactive. Furry Mama not taking Minty Mutt out in case he pulls her. Guilt. So Clever Bird has just re-read the notes from the hospital. about the recovery process. It has been eighteen days since her operation so by now: "There will be even less pain now as you move about more and more", "You will feel your energy levels returning to normal", "You should feel stronger every day". All good and all true for Baggy. But also "You still should not be driving", "You still should not lift any heavy objects". So how exactly does Freda Fretter think that Grotty can even get to the yard which is ten miles away, let alone muck out?

Plus of course, Baggy is falling apart at the seams! She felt "weird" this morning. The "weird" that she's been telling Calum that she's felt once or twice a week since way before Lawrence was discovered. The shaky, spaced-out, breathless, weak "weird". Well that of course is that other unseen illness. The boom, boomedy, boomy, boom, boom of Baggy's heart. But that too will be sorted out one way or another! So Freda, please stop your fretting. Let Baggy relax and heal.

Creative Clara decided to distract Freda and Clever Bird by doing a bit of blogging. She's decided to "go live" as it were. No more retrospective blogging. So she's published two blogs already today for yesterday and the day before. In the process she noticed that she now not only has people reading her ramblings in the UK, USA, Ireland and Holland, but she now has someone checking her out in Belgium. Welcome to Baggy's world Bloggees and thank you so much for your interest.

Baggy is "live"..........

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