Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Day 7 (15/11/15) - Grotty Groom is Back and Off to See Wessles Horse

Baggy was totally exhausted yesterday, so went to bed at 9.00pm. She got up, desperate for a wee at 11.00pm and again at 12.30am. No wonder she's exhausted! Then she woke up once more with a bursting bladder at 1.45am. Calum was still up watching a film and trying to wind down, so as Baggy couldn't get back to sleep, Clever Bird said that she might as well get up; she shouldn't have made Baggy go up so early in the first place! Wide awake, she ended up not going back to bed until 4.00am, but at least then she slept. Well apart from getting up three more times before eventually getting up properly at 10.00am.

Autumn has arrived with a vengeance today. There are hoolying winds and it's cold, grey and damp. Perhaps not the best day to venture out, but Calum had promised to take Grotty Groom to see her beloved horse Wessles, so Baggy was going out in the weather, sensible or not. It's already been two weeks since Grotty was with the Boy and seeing him from the distance the other day just made her miss him even more. Clever Bird banned Grotty from actually taking Baggy into Wesley's stable in case he bumps into her. But she was getting very excited about cuddling him over the door. As Baggy still can't bear any pressure on her wound she can't wear anything except loose floaty dresses, so Grotty was rather over-dressed to go and see her horse, but she couldn't wait.

Seeing Wesley was lovely. As was seeing so many people at the yard who seemed to genuinely care about how Baggy was doing. Wesley was munching his haynet when Grotty arrived, but he immediately spun round to the stable door when he heard the car and saw Grotty. When she went to his stable, he dropped his nose down to Baggy's stomach and clearly knew that his Mum was wounded. He hovered his nose there for a moment, then gently raised his head and sniffed at Grotty's nostrils. None of his usual head-butting to get attention; he was incredibly gentle. Even so, it was amazing how vulnerable Baggy felt next to such a large, powerful animal. But Grotty was just so happy to be able to stroke and smell her lovely Boy, even if it was just over the stable door. It's one very tiny step of many tiny steps, but it's the first one on the way to getting Grotty back on board her horse.

Other owners seemed pleased to see Grotty back. Clever Bird wasn't too convinced how helpful the offer of one friend to remove her staples with a hoof-pick was though! Especially when Baggy started laughing so much at the thought, that it felt as though the staples might just pop out of their own accord. Belly-laughs and stapled stomachs do not mix!

Mind you Freda Fretter is getting her loose knickers in a proper knot over having the staples taken out tomorrow. Calum has been taking photos of the wound each day since Baggy got home. They don't make pretty viewing, so although they're sitting in a draft blog, so far Clever Bird has stopped Creative Clara from publishing them. She doesn't want her bloggees fainting at the sight of them. But in looking at them on her laptop, Freda is fretting that the area around the staples looks rather enflamed. The top part of the wound is quite raised. The bottom part isn't. In fact there's a small, raw-looking gap between the two sides of skin. Freda is stressed that a) it will hurt like heck when they're taken out and b) that the bit at the bottom might just pop open when the staples come out, baring Baggy's insides (what's left of them) to the world. Although she's dreading it, Baggy does really want her body-piercings gone. It might also enable Clever Bird to work out how Baggy's stomach is going to end up looking. At the moment, the top part, just below the belly-button looks incredibly sticky-outy swollen. Then underneath there's a huge concave indent where all 15cm of Lawrence used to sit! It will probably be some time before the gang find out how Baggy's stomach is going to look and feel. Creative Clara might have to cover Baggy's tummy when she gets back to tribal dance classes, but at least she's planning on getting back to it . Little steps........

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