Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Day 17 (25/11/15) - Baggy needs to "Rein-in" Grotty Groom

It's all well and good Baggy feeling so great. No sorry, Clever Bird, yes of course it's great, Baggy feeling so great. Really great. Yep, just great. But it's so frustrating, feeling so great and not being able to get back to normal. Normal for Baggy being, the most time-consuming of Baggy's gang being able to do her job. Grotty Groom is missing her horses terribly and even though it's obvious to Clever Bird that she can't, Grotty really, really wants to ride the Boy Wessles.

The operation to let Lawrence go to his new life was exactly three weeks ago. According to the little book from the hospital, Baggy could be planning to go back to work in a weeks time, if it's "light duties" and "reduced hours". Well Grotty's duties are far from "light" and it is, what it is, with horses; you're either looking after them or you're not, you can't exactly reduce the workload, especially in the winter. So even if Baggy was allowed to drive, Grotty is not allowed to work. As for riding, well that's not even to be considered for at least another nine weeks. Weird, when Baggy is in so much less pain than when she was riding with Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst leaping up and down on Baggy's ovary. Lawrence, getting highly over excited when Wessles did something daft. Clever Bird is pretty sure that Lawrence is an adrenalin junky.

Calum and Clever Bird can never decide if actually Grotty is an adrenalin junky too. If she wasn't (other than the fact that Wesley is her number one son and she would never ever leave him) why would she still be his human ten years on? Or at least, why would she keep riding him? Even when she's terrified? Wesley is what would be called in a sales advert, "not a novice ride". More accurately it would need to say, "confident, quiet, advanced, empathetic rider required". And yet he looks such an innocent dobbin. Bless him. But Clara digresses.

Clever Bird knows full well that Grotty cannot ride Wesley again until Baggy's stomach muscles are healed and she has built some core strength back up. Then, in another nine to twelve weeks she'll be able to get back on top of a naturally fit, very "fresh" horse that won't have been ridden in over five months and will be eating rich, energy-giving (rocket fuel) spring grass. Hmmmmmmm! That will make for an interesting blog.

But anyway, Baggy has the minor detail of next Thursday's cubital tunnel surgery. Baggy had this same surgery on her left arm last November, so she knows what to expect. And that is a two to three month recovery period before she'll be able to use her arm properly. But as Freda Fretter keeps saying, Baggy is right handed, so this time the recovery might be even longer.

So Baggy needs to stay positive and make the most of the next seven days. She might be stuck at home, but at least Creative Clara can write her blog and try to figure out her Twitter account. After next Thursday that will be more of a challenge for a while, as she will not be able to type or write. Besides she now has viewers in Germany and Iraq to add to her list of countries. So welcome new Baggy bloggees.........

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