Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Day 17 continued - Is it okay to Start Christmas Now?

Another cold autumn day in little old Suffolk. Fire lit. Even Minty Mutt didn't want to venture out, so Creative Clara has pretty much been on her laptop all day. She posted this morning's blog. But she's started another one too: "Baggy Body's Guide to Becoming a Hairy" biker chick, hen or bloke. She has created a totally new blog for it and has so far drafted two blogs. At least that way she'll have something to publish next week when Baggy can't type. Watch this space.

Tomorrow Calum has to be off work once again to take Baggy back to her second home, Ipswich hospital. Attempt two at the pre-operation assessment meeting. Let's hope this one goes without the dramas of Monday's appointment. It's a pity Baggy can't drive yet or she could take herself there.

What is very interesting to Clever Bird is that since the dramas of Monday when Baggy's heart was boom, boomedy, booming so madly that she honestly thought that she might keel over, it has now calmed down dramatically. Of course when it does start going nuts now, Baggy can breathe deeply and get it to calm down again, because Freda Fretter isn't panicking that it might actually stop, and making it even worse. Funny that! Mind you Clever Bird really should contact the Doctors and find out what exactly was wrong with Baggy's ticker, instead of just being an ostrich about the whole thing as she is at the moment.

In the background, Clara has the television on. There seem to be back to back Christmas movies on at the moment, even though it's still only November. Now normally Baggy is a complete humbug about Christmas (the result of a not very happy childhood - but that's another story), but this year she's so grateful that she can celebrate another Christmas that she's really excited about it. So she's on her second soppy Christmas movie of the afternoon. and having to fight Creative Clara to stop her from making Baggy go upstairs to get down the Christmas decorations to put up.

Calum wouldn't mind, he thinks there's no such thing as too much tinsel. And of course Baggy won't be able to put them up after next Thursday. Tempting. It is only one month away. Will she, won't she. Maybe on Monday............

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