Sunday, 29 November 2015

Day 21 continued - Hormonal Hannah is being a Good Influence on the Gang.

It might not last. In fact if the last few weeks are anything to go by, it almost certainly won't. But for today at least, welcoming Hormonal Hannah to Baggy's gang has had a positive effect. Recognising her as a bit of a negative influence on Baggy (she makes Freda Fretter look like a confident good guy), has meant that Clever Bird can have a chat with her and make her let the rest of the gang get on with stuff. She's stopped Grotty Groom from going to see her beloved horse Wesley and Grotty was feeling really guilty about it, but today, Grotty decided to take Hannah with Baggy to see Wesley and Joey. It was the right thing to do! Everybody came back feeling calmer and more confident and positive. Admittedly Grotty ignored Clever Bird and pushed Baggy a little too far, but Wesley had a lovely groom for over an hour and a half.

Wesley needed it as he had had a lovely roll in the mud after a happy day out in the wind, but Grotty got there in time to do the grooming herself. Hormonal Hannah had in the previous few days, knocked Grotty's confidence so much that she had been afraid to visit her horse. Ridiculous, because Wesley is so sensitive that he knows that Baggy has to be treated very gently at the moment. Despite head-butting Calum over the stable door for attention, even when Grotty persuaded Baggy to actually go in and groom him, Wesley was as gentle as a feather with her. He sniffed her, but did not even nudge. Once again he dropped his head to her stomach, but he didn't touch. He blew up Grotty's nose then resumed his hay munching.
Grotty took a few moments to just "be" with her horse. It's quite a special thing to just sit in the stable with a horse. It's very calming for some reason. Wesley is always happy for Baggy to collapse in a heap in the corner, while he does his thing while keeping an eye on her. He seems to enjoy her company. When Hormonal Hannah chose that quiet time to remind Grotty that this would be the last time she could be with Wesley for some time and had Baggy in tears, Clever Bird took over and reminded them that Wesley was more than happy and that we'd be back with him before Christmas.
Truthfully, Baggy needed a rest. But Grotty did a good job. Wessles looked pretty cute by the time we left. He's clearly enjoying his holiday anyway. He's piled a few pounds on and is probably the woolliest he's ever been, but he is sooooooooooooooooo shiny. He is clearly feeling very well. Even his sarcoids seem to have got smaller. So Freda Fretter can stop winding Grotty up that he'll be unhappy because it will be at least two weeks before she can see him again, Wesley knows now that Grotty is definitely coming back and he and Joey are fine.
The gang are extremely fortunate to have Wesley and Joey in their lives. Hormonal Hannah already loves the calming influence that they have on Baggy.................
P.S. Hormonal Hannah's biggest influence while Grotty was doing her thing was making Baggy constantly take layers off and put layers back on again. But as Clever Bird said, at least she was wearing layers so this was possible! 


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